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a fast-developing area

  • 1 développement

    c black développement [dev(ə)lɔpmɑ̃]
    masculine noun
       a. ( = croissance) development
       b. développements [d'affaire, enquête] developments
       c. [de sujet] exposition
       d. [de produit] development
       e. [de photos] developing
    c black   f. [de bicyclette] choisir un grand/petit développement to choose a high/low gear
    Le mot anglais n'a qu'un seul p.
    * * *
    nom masculin
    1) (de faculté, science, pensée, d'organisme) development (de of)
    2) (d'entreprise, économie, de pays) development, expansion (de of)

    en plein développement[pays] rapidly developing (épith); [industrie] fast-growing (épith); [ville, université] rapidly expanding (épith)

    3) (de produit, technique, stratégie) development
    4) Photographie developing
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    dev(ə)lɔpmɑ̃ nm
    1) [musculature, talents] development
    2) [pays, affaire, économie] development
    3) [produit, logiciel] development
    4) [pellicule] development
    5) (= événement, rebondissement) development
    * * *
    1 (de faculté, science, pensée, d'organisme) development; le développement de l'embryon/du langage the development of the embryo/of language; les développements d'une affaire the developments in an affair; surveiller de près le développement des événements to keep a close eye on how things develop;
    2 (d'entreprise, économie, de pays) development, expansion (de of); pays en voie de développement developing nation ou country; l'entreprise a connu un fort développement dans les années 80 the firm expanded greatly in the eighties; en plein développement [pays] rapidly developing ( épith); [industrie] fast-growing ( épith); [ville, université] rapidly expanding ( épith);
    3 ( croissance) ( de mouvement) growth (de of), spread (de of); (de fraude, chômage) increase (de in), rise (de in); ( d'investissements) increase (de in);
    4 (de produit, technique, stratégie) development; le développement de produits nouveaux development of new products;
    5 Phot developing; détail qui est apparu au développement detail which appeared when the picture was developed;
    6 (de sujet, thème) development; entrer dans des développements oiseux to ramble;
    7 Math (de solide, fonction) development; ( d'expression algébrique) simplification, reduction;
    8 ( en cyclisme) distance covered for each revolution of the pedal; avec un petit développement, on grimpe mieux it's easier to ride uphill in a low gear.
    [devlɔpmɑ̃] nom masculin
    1. [fait de grandir] development
    le développement normal de l'enfant/du chêne a child's/an oak's normal development
    [fait de progresser] development, growth
    3. [exposé] exposition
    4. [perfectionnement] developing
    5. PHOTOGRAPHIE [traitement complet] processing, developing
    [étape du traitement] developing
    8. [déploiement - d'une banderole] unrolling
    développements nom masculin pluriel
    [prolongements - d'une affaire] developments

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > développement

  • 2 технологии для автоматизации

    1. automation technologies


    технологии для автоматизации

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    Automation technologies: a strong focal point for our R&D

    Технологии для автоматизации - одна из главных тем наших научно исследовательских разработок

    Automation is an area of ABB’s business with an extremely high level of technological innovation.

    Автоматика относится к одной из областей деятельности компании АББ, для которой характерен исключительно высокий уровень технических инноваций.

    In fact, it may be seen as a showcase for exhibiting the frontiers of development in several of today’s emerging technologies, like short-range wireless communication and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS).

    В определенном смысле ее можно уподобить витрине, в которой выставлены передовые разработки из области только еще зарождающихся технологий, примерами которых являются ближняя беспроводная связь и микроэлектромеханические системы (micro electromechanical systems MEMS).

    Mechatronics – the synthesis of mechanics and electronics – is another very exciting and rapidly developing area, and the foundation on which ABB has built its highly successful, fast-growing robotics business.

    Еще одной исключительно интересной быстро развивающейся областью и в то же время фундаментом, на котором АББ в последнее время строит свой исключительно успешный и быстро расширяющийся бизнес в области робототехники, является мехатроника - синтез механики с электроникой.

    Robotic precision has now reached the levels we have come to expect of the watch-making industry, while robots’ mechanical capabilities continue to improve significantly.

    Точность работы робототехнических устройств достигла сегодня уровней, которые мы привыкли ожидать только на предприятиях часовой промышленности. Большими темпами продолжают расти и механические возможности роботов.

    Behind the scenes, highly sophisticated electronics and software control every move these robots make.

    А за кулисами всеми перемещениями робота управляют сложные электронные устройства и компьютерные программы.

    Throughout industry today we see a major shift of ‘intelligence’ to lower levels in the automation system hierarchy, leading to a demand for more communication within the system.

    Во всех отраслях промышленности сегодня наблюдается интенсивный перенос "интеллекта" на нижние уровни иерархии автоматизированных систем, что требует дальнейшего развития внутрисистемных средств обмена.

    ‘Smart’ transmitters, with powerful microprocessors, memory chips and special software, carry out vital operations close to the processes they are monitoring.

    "Интеллектуальные" датчики, снабженные высокопроизводительными микропроцессорами, мощными чипами памяти и специальным программно-математическим обеспечением, выполняют особо ответственные операции в непосредственной близости от контролируемых процессов.

    And they capture and store data crucial for remote diagnostics and maintenance.

    Они же обеспечивают возможность измерения и регистрации информации, крайне необходимой для дистанционной диагностики и дистанционного обслуживания техники.

    The communication highway linking such systems is provided by fieldbuses.

    В качестве коммуникационных магистралей, связывающих такого рода системы, служат промышленные шины fieldbus.

    In an ideal world there would be no more than a few, preferably just one, fieldbus standard.

    В идеале на промышленные шины должно было бы существовать небольшое количество, а лучше всего вообще только один стандарт.

    However, there are still too many of them, so ABB has developed ‘fieldbus plugs’ that, with the help of translation, enable devices to communicate across different standards.

    К сожалению, на деле количество их типов продолжает оставаться слишком разнообразным. Ввиду этой особенности рынка промышленных шин компанией АББ разработаны "штепсельные разъемы", которые с помощью средств преобразования обеспечивают общение различных устройств вопреки границам, возникшим из-за различий в стандартах.

    This makes life easier as well as less costly for our customers. Every automation system is dependent on an electrical network for distributing – and interrupting, when necessary – the power needed to carry out its various functions.

    Это, безусловно, не только облегчает, но и удешевляет жизнь нашим заказчикам. Ни одна система автоматики не может работать без сети, обеспечивающей подачу, а при необходимости и отключение напряжения, необходимого для выполнения автоматикой своих задач.

    Here, too, we see a clear trend toward more intelligence and communication, for example in traditional electromechanical devices such as contactors and switches.

    И здесь наблюдаются отчетливо выраженные тенденции к повышению уровня интеллектуальности и расширению возможностей связи, например, в таких традиционных электромеханических устройствах, как контакторы и выключатели.

    We are pleased to see that our R&D efforts in these areas over the past few years are bearing fruit.

    Мы с удовлетворением отмечаем, что научно-исследовательские разработки, выполненные нами за последние годы в названных областях, начинают приносить свои плоды.

    Recently, we have seen a strong increase in the use of wireless technology in industry.

    В последнее время на промышленных предприятиях наблюдается резкое расширение применения техники беспроводной связи.

    This is a key R&D area at ABB, and several prototype applications have already been developed.

    В компании АББ эта область также относится к числу одной из ключевых тем научно-исследовательских разработок, результатом которых стало создание ряда опытных образцов изделий практического направления.

    At the international Bluetooth Conference in Amsterdam in June 2002, we presented a truly ‘wire-less’ proximity sensor – with even a wireless power supply.

    На международной конференции по системам Bluetooth, состоявшейся в Амстердаме в июне 2002 г., наши специалисты выступили с докладом о поистине "беспроводном" датчике ближней локации, снабженном опять-таки "беспроводным" источником питания.

    This was its second major showing after the launch at the Hanover Fair.

    На столь крупном мероприятии это устройство демонстрировалось во второй раз после своего первого показа на Ганноверской торгово-промышленной ярмарке.

    Advances in microelectronic device technology are also having a profound impact on the power electronics systems around which modern drive systems are built.

    Достижения в области микроэлектроники оказывают также глубокое влияние на системы силовой электроники, лежащие в основе современных приводных устройств.

    The ABB drive family ACS 800 is visible proof of this.

    Наглядным тому доказательством может служить линейка блоков регулирования частоты вращения электродвигателей ACS-800, производство которой начато компанией АББ.

    Combining advanced trench gate IGBT technology with efficient cooling and innovative design, this drive – for motors rated from 1.1 to 500 kW – has a footprint for some power ranges which is six times smaller than competing systems.

    Предназначены они для двигателей мощностью от 1,1 до 500 кВт. В блоках применена новейшая разновидность приборов - биполярные транзисторы с изолированным желобковым затвором (trench gate IGBT) в сочетании с новыми конструктивными решениями, благодаря чему в отдельных диапазонах мощностей габариты блоков удалось снизить по сравнению с конкурирующими изделиями в шесть раз.

    To get the maximum benefit out of this innovative drive solution we have also developed a new permanent magnet motor.

    Стремясь с максимальной пользой использовать новые блоки регулирования, мы параллельно с ними разработали новый двигатель с постоянными магнитами.

    It uses neodymium iron boron, a magnetic material which is more powerful at room temperature than any other known today.

    В нем применен новый магнитный материал на основе неодима, железа и бора, характеристики которого при комнатной температуре на сегодняшний день не имеют себе равных.

    The combination of new drive and new motor reduces losses by as much as 30%, lowering energy costs and improving sustainability – both urgently necessary – at the same time.

    Совместное использование нового блока регулирования частоты вращения с новым двигателем снижает потери мощности до 30 %, что позволяет решить сразу две исключительно актуальные задачи:
    сократить затраты на электроэнергию и повысить уровень безотказности.

    These innovations are utilized most fully, and yield the maximum benefit, when integrated by means of our Industrial IT architecture.

    Потенциал перечисленных выше новых разработок используется в наиболее полной степени, а сами они приносят максимальную выгоду, если их интеграция осуществлена на основе нашей архитектуры IndustrialIT.

    Industrial IT is a unique platform for exploiting the full potential of information technology in industrial applications.

    IndustrialIT представляет собой уникальную платформу, позволяющую в максимальной степени использовать возможности информационных технологий применительно к задачам промышленности.

    Consequently, our new products and technologies are Industrial IT Enabled, meaning that they can be integrated in the Industrial IT architecture in a ‘plug and produce’ manner.

    Именно поэтому все наши новые изделия и технологии выпускаются в варианте, совместимом с архитектурой IndustrialIT, что означает их способность к интеграции с этой архитектурой по принципу "подключи и производи".

    We are excited to present in this issue of ABB Review some of our R&D work and a selection of achievements in such a vital area of our business as Automation.

    Мы рады представить в настоящем номере "АББ ревю" некоторые из наших научно-исследовательских разработок и достижений в такой жизненно важной для нашего бизнеса области, как автоматика.

    R&D investment in our corporate technology programs is the foundation on which our product and system innovation is built.

    Вклад наших разработок в общекорпоративные технологические программы группы АББ служит основой для реализации новых технических решений в создаваемых нами устройствах и системах.

    Examples abound in the areas of control engineering, MEMS, wireless communication, materials – and, last but not least, software technologies. Enjoy reading about them.
    [ABB Review]

    Это подтверждается многочисленными примерами из области техники управления, микроэлектромеханических систем, ближней радиосвязи, материаловедения и не в последнюю очередь программотехники. Хотелось бы пожелать читателю получить удовольствие от чтения этих материалов.
    [Перевод Интент]



    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > технологии для автоматизации

  • 3 Caro, Heinrich

    b. 13 February 1834 Poznan, Poland
    d. 11 October 1911 Dresden, Germany
    German dyestuffi chemist.
    Caro received vocational training as a dyer at the Gewerbeinstitut in Berlin from 1852, at the same time attending chemistry lectures at the university there. In 1855 he was hired as a colourist by a firm of calico printers in Mulheim an der Ruhr, where he was able to demonstrate the value of scientific training in solving practical problems. Two years later, the year after Perkin's discovery of aniline dyes, he was sent to England in order to learn the latest dyeing techniques. He took up a post an analytical chemist with the chemical firm Roberts, Dale \& Co. in Manchester; after finding a better way of synthesizing Perkin's mauve, he became a partner in the business. Caro was able to enlarge both his engineering experience and his chemical knowledge there, particularly by studying Hofmann's researches on the aniline dyes. He made several discoveries, including induline, Bismark brown and Martius yellow.
    Like other German chemists, however, he found greater opportunities opening up in Germany, and in 1866 he returned to take up a post in Bunsen's laboratory in Heidelberg. In 1868 Caro obtained the important directorship of Badische Anilin-Soda- Fabrik (BASF), the first true industrial research organization and leading centre of dyestuffs research. A steady stream of commercial successes followed. In 1869, after Graebe and Liebermann had showed him their laboratory synthesis of the red dye alizarin, Caro went on to develop a cheaper and commercially viable method. During the 1870s he collaborated with Adolf von Baeyer to make methylene blue and related dyes, and then went on to the azo dyes. His work on indigo was important, but was not crowned with commercial success; that came in 1897 when his successor at BASF discovered a suitable process for producing indigo on a commercial scale. Caro had resigned his post in 1889, by which time he had made notable contributions to German supremacy in the fast-developing dyestuffs industry.
    Further Reading
    A.Bernthsen, 1912, obituary, Berichte derDeut
    schen Chemischen Gesellschaft, 45; 1,987–2,042 (a substantial obituary).

    Biographical history of technology > Caro, Heinrich

  • 4 desarrollo

    1 development (mejora).
    desarrollo del producto product development
    desarrollo sostenible sustainable development
    2 growth (crecimiento).
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: desarrollar.
    * * *
    1 (gen) development
    2 MATEMÁTICAS expansion
    3 DEPORTE run, course
    país en vías de desarrollo developing country
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) [de economía, industria, mercado] development
    2) [de teoría, tema, punto] development
    3) (=realización) [de proyecto, plan] carrying out; [de técnica, método] development
    4) [de capacidad, memoria, músculos] development
    5) (Mat) [de ecuación, función] expansion; [de problema] working
    6) [de persona, animal, planta] development

    está en la edad del desarrollo — she's reaching puberty, she's beginning to develop

    7) [de historia, acontecimiento] development

    el desarrollo de la tramathe unfolding o development of the plot

    8) [de bicicleta] gear ratio
    * * *
    a) (Econ) development
    b) (de facultad, capacidad) development
    c) (de niño, de planta) growth, development
    d) ( de adolescente) development
    2) (de teoría, tema, estrategia) development
    3) (de acto, acontecimiento)

    durante el desarrollo del actoduring o in the course of proceedings

    * * *
    = advance, amplification, building, development, evolution, blooming.
    Ex. I think that the most important advance that we can look forward to is a great increase in the amount of authority data in MARC form.
    Ex. Even with such a limitation and many later supplementations by various hands, by way of addition, correction and amplification, it falls far short of completeness.
    Ex. Building a search profile has much in common with building a document profile during indexing.
    Ex. Enumerative schemes can be difficult to revise to take account of new developments.
    Ex. A number of ancillary factors about the development of knowledge can be examined such as the extent of self-citation and the evolution of concepts.
    Ex. The article 'The blooming of readers' presents a body of research that supports the notion that children can acquire reading skills without being directly taught to read.
    * área en desarrollo = growth area.
    * autodesarrollo = self-actualisation [self-actualization, -USA].
    * ayuda al desarrollo = development aid.
    * biología del desarrollo = developmental biology.
    * de desarrollo = developmental.
    * de desarrollo rápido = fast-evolving.
    * desarrollo académico = academic development.
    * desarrollo atrofiado = arrested development.
    * desarrollo cronológico = chronology.
    * desarrollo de aplicaciones = software development, application development.
    * desarrollo de capacidades = capacity building.
    * desarrollo de la colección = collection building, collection development [collections development].
    * desarrollo de la identidad nacional = nation building.
    * desarrollo del plan de estudios = curriculum development.
    * desarrollo del potencial = capacity building.
    * desarrollo de material educativo = instructional development.
    * desarrollo de nuevos productos = product development.
    * desarrollo de programas = software development.
    * desarrollo de prototipos = prototyping.
    * desarrollo económico = economic development.
    * desarrollo empresarial = business development.
    * desarrollo estratégico = strategic development.
    * desarrollo industrial = industrial development.
    * desarrollo infantil = child development.
    * desarrollo mental = mental development.
    * desarrollo nacional = national development.
    * desarrollo personal = self-actualisation [self-actualization, -USA].
    * desarrollo prenatal = prenatal development.
    * desarrollo profesional = professional development, career development.
    * desarrollo profesional del personal = staff development.
    * desarrollo social = social development.
    * desarrollo sostenible = sustainable development.
    * desarrollo sostenido = sustainable development.
    * desarrollo tardío = late start.
    * desarrollo temporal = temporal development, timeline [time line].
    * desarrollo urbanístico = urban growth.
    * describir el desarrollo de = trace + the development of, trace + the evolution of.
    * economía en vías de desarrollo = transitional economy, developing economy.
    * empresa dedicada al desarrollo de productos = product developer.
    * en desarrollo = evolving, under development.
    * en período de desarrollo = in ascendancy.
    * en pleno desarrollo = in full swing, in full gear.
    * en vías de desarrollo = in course of development, emergent, developing.
    * especialista en el desarrollo = developmentalist.
    * estimular el desarrollo de = stimulate + the development of.
    * etapa de desarrollo = stage of development.
    * Fondo para el Desarrollo Europeo = European Development Fund.
    * Fondo para el Desarrollo Regional Europeo = European Regional Development Fund.
    * herramienta de desarrollo = development tool.
    * herramientas de desarrollo = toolkit.
    * instituto de desarrollo = development institute.
    * instituto para el desarrollo = development institute.
    * instituto para la investigación y el desarrollo = research and development institute.
    * investigación y desarrollo (I+D) = research and development (R&D).
    * nivel de desarrollo = stage of development, developmental level, development level, level of development.
    * Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
    * PADIS (Sistema de Información para el Desarrollo de Africa) = PADIS (Pan-African Development Information System).
    * país en vías de desarrollo = developing country, transitional nation, transitional economy, developing nation, emerging economy, developing economy, country with developing economy.
    * países en vías de desarrollo, los = developing world, the.
    * política de desarrollo de la colección = collection development policy.
    * posibilidad de desarrollo = potential for development.
    * retrasar el desarrollo de Algo = push back + development.
    * ritmo de desarrollo = pace of development.
    * sicología del desarrollo = developmental psychology.
    * teoría del desarrollo humano = developmental theory.
    * * *
    a) (Econ) development
    b) (de facultad, capacidad) development
    c) (de niño, de planta) growth, development
    d) ( de adolescente) development
    2) (de teoría, tema, estrategia) development
    3) (de acto, acontecimiento)

    durante el desarrollo del actoduring o in the course of proceedings

    * * *
    = advance, amplification, building, development, evolution, blooming.

    Ex: I think that the most important advance that we can look forward to is a great increase in the amount of authority data in MARC form.

    Ex: Even with such a limitation and many later supplementations by various hands, by way of addition, correction and amplification, it falls far short of completeness.
    Ex: Building a search profile has much in common with building a document profile during indexing.
    Ex: Enumerative schemes can be difficult to revise to take account of new developments.
    Ex: A number of ancillary factors about the development of knowledge can be examined such as the extent of self-citation and the evolution of concepts.
    Ex: The article 'The blooming of readers' presents a body of research that supports the notion that children can acquire reading skills without being directly taught to read.
    * área en desarrollo = growth area.
    * autodesarrollo = self-actualisation [self-actualization, -USA].
    * ayuda al desarrollo = development aid.
    * biología del desarrollo = developmental biology.
    * de desarrollo = developmental.
    * de desarrollo rápido = fast-evolving.
    * desarrollo académico = academic development.
    * desarrollo atrofiado = arrested development.
    * desarrollo cronológico = chronology.
    * desarrollo de aplicaciones = software development, application development.
    * desarrollo de capacidades = capacity building.
    * desarrollo de la colección = collection building, collection development [collections development].
    * desarrollo de la identidad nacional = nation building.
    * desarrollo del plan de estudios = curriculum development.
    * desarrollo del potencial = capacity building.
    * desarrollo de material educativo = instructional development.
    * desarrollo de nuevos productos = product development.
    * desarrollo de programas = software development.
    * desarrollo de prototipos = prototyping.
    * desarrollo económico = economic development.
    * desarrollo empresarial = business development.
    * desarrollo estratégico = strategic development.
    * desarrollo industrial = industrial development.
    * desarrollo infantil = child development.
    * desarrollo mental = mental development.
    * desarrollo nacional = national development.
    * desarrollo personal = self-actualisation [self-actualization, -USA].
    * desarrollo prenatal = prenatal development.
    * desarrollo profesional = professional development, career development.
    * desarrollo profesional del personal = staff development.
    * desarrollo social = social development.
    * desarrollo sostenible = sustainable development.
    * desarrollo sostenido = sustainable development.
    * desarrollo tardío = late start.
    * desarrollo temporal = temporal development, timeline [time line].
    * desarrollo urbanístico = urban growth.
    * describir el desarrollo de = trace + the development of, trace + the evolution of.
    * economía en vías de desarrollo = transitional economy, developing economy.
    * empresa dedicada al desarrollo de productos = product developer.
    * en desarrollo = evolving, under development.
    * en período de desarrollo = in ascendancy.
    * en pleno desarrollo = in full swing, in full gear.
    * en vías de desarrollo = in course of development, emergent, developing.
    * especialista en el desarrollo = developmentalist.
    * estimular el desarrollo de = stimulate + the development of.
    * etapa de desarrollo = stage of development.
    * Fondo para el Desarrollo Europeo = European Development Fund.
    * Fondo para el Desarrollo Regional Europeo = European Regional Development Fund.
    * herramienta de desarrollo = development tool.
    * herramientas de desarrollo = toolkit.
    * instituto de desarrollo = development institute.
    * instituto para el desarrollo = development institute.
    * instituto para la investigación y el desarrollo = research and development institute.
    * investigación y desarrollo (I+D) = research and development (R&D).
    * nivel de desarrollo = stage of development, developmental level, development level, level of development.
    * Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
    * PADIS (Sistema de Información para el Desarrollo de Africa) = PADIS (Pan-African Development Information System).
    * país en vías de desarrollo = developing country, transitional nation, transitional economy, developing nation, emerging economy, developing economy, country with developing economy.
    * países en vías de desarrollo, los = developing world, the.
    * política de desarrollo de la colección = collection development policy.
    * posibilidad de desarrollo = potential for development.
    * retrasar el desarrollo de Algo = push back + development.
    * ritmo de desarrollo = pace of development.
    * sicología del desarrollo = developmental psychology.
    * teoría del desarrollo humano = developmental theory.

    * * *
    1 ( Econ) development
    países en vías de desarrollo developing countries
    2 (de una facultad, capacidad) development
    3 (de un niño, de una planta) growth, development
    4 (de un adolescente) development
    la edad del desarrollo puberty, the age of puberty
    desarrollo sostenible or perdurable
    ( Agr, Ecol) sustainable development
    1 (de una teoría, un tema) development
    2 ( Mat) development
    3 (de una estrategia) development
    el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas en este campo the development o evolution of new techniques in this field
    (de un acto, acontecimiento): contemplaron el desarrollo del desfile they watched the parade pass by
    intentaron impedir el normal desarrollo del acto they tried to disrupt the proceedings
    para ver el desarrollo de los acontecimientos to see how things develop o turn out
    D (en ciclismo) ≈ gear ratio
    E ( Chi) ( Fot) developing
    * * *


    Del verbo desarrollar: ( conjugate desarrollar)

    desarrollo es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    desarrolló es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    desarrollar ( conjugate desarrollar) verbo transitivo
    1 ( en general) to develop
    a) ( exponer) ‹teoría/tema to explain

    b) ( llevar a cabo) ‹actividad/labor to carry out

    desarrollarse verbo pronominal
    1 ( en general) to develop
    2 [acto/entrevista/escena] to take place
    desarrollo sustantivo masculino

    según el desarrollo de los acontecimientos according to how things develop
    desarrollar verbo transitivo
    1 to develop: ha desarrollado su musculatura desde que hace deporte, he has become more muscular since he started doing sport
    (un proyecto, teoría) han desarrollado un nuevo modelo de ordenador portátil, they've developed a new type of portable computer
    2 (exponer con mayor detalle) to explain
    desarrollo sustantivo masculino
    1 (crecimiento, progreso) development
    el desarrollo industrial de la comarca, the industrial development of the area
    su bebé tiene un desarrollo satisfactorio, her baby is coming along fine
    2 (exposición detallada) development
    (solución por pasos de un problema) working out
    3 (transcurso) course: una persona se desmayó durante el desarrollo del acto, someone fainted during the ceremony

    ' desarrollo' also found in these entries:
    - despegue
    - extensa
    - extenso
    - planteamiento
    - retrasada
    - retrasado
    - retraso
    - curso
    - emotivo
    - frenar
    - ir
    - marcha
    - potenciar
    - precoz
    - progreso
    - propulsar
    - rápido
    - retroceso
    - vía
    - appropriate
    - arrest
    - boomtown
    - cramp
    - developing
    - development
    - evolution
    - growth
    - progress
    - research
    - disrupt
    - grown
    - swing
    * * *
    1. [mejora] development;
    el desarrollo económico economic development;
    países en vías de desarrollo developing countries;
    el pleno desarrollo de las capacidades intelectuales the full development of intellectual abilities
    desarrollo sostenible sustainable development
    2. [crecimiento] growth;
    el desarrollo del ser humano human development;
    la edad del desarrollo (the age of) puberty
    3. [exposición] [de tema, teoría, idea] explanation
    4. [transcurso] [de negociaciones, conferencia] course;
    no hubo incidentes en el desarrollo de la manifestación there were no incidents in the course of the demonstration
    5. [realización] [de actividad, trabajo, proyecto] carrying out
    6. [creación] [de prototipos, técnicas, estrategias] development;
    investigaciones encaminadas al desarrollo de una vacuna contra el sida research aimed at developing a vaccine against AIDS
    7. [en bicicleta] gear ratio;
    mover un gran desarrollo to turn a big gear
    8. Mat [de término] expansion;
    [de ecuación, problema] solving, working out
    * * *
    m development
    * * *
    : development
    * * *
    desarrollo n development

    Spanish-English dictionary > desarrollo

  • 5 en

    viven en la capital they live in the capital
    tiene el dinero en el banco he keeps his money in the bank
    en la mesa/el plato on the table/plate
    en casa/el trabajo at home/work
    2 into.
    el avión cayó en el mar the plane fell into the sea
    entraron en la habitación they came/went into the room
    3 in (time) (month, year).
    nació en 1953/marzo she was born in 1953/March
    en Nochebuena on Christmas Eve
    en Navidades at Christmas
    en aquella época at that time, in those days
    en un par de días in a couple of days
    ir en tren/coche/avión/barco to go by train/car/plane/boat
    5 in (modo).
    en voz baja in a low voice
    lo dijo en inglés she said it in English
    pagar en libras to pay in pounds
    la inflación aumentó en un 10 por ciento inflation increased by 10 percent
    todo se lo gasta en ropa he spends everything on clothes
    6 in (price).
    las ganancias se calculan en millones profits are calculated in millions
    te lo dejo en 5.000 I'll let you have it for 5,000
    7 from (causa).
    lo detecté en su forma de hablar I could tell from the way he was speaking
    8 in, made of (materia).
    en seda in silk
    9 in terms of.
    lo supera en inteligencia she is more intelligent than he is
    10 on, over, upon.
    11 at, over at, in, over in.
    En ese momento ...at that moment.
    12 to.
    * * *
    1 (lugar - gen) in, at
    2 (- en el interior) in, inside
    4 (año, mes, estación) in; (día) on; (época, momento) at
    7 (tema, materia) at, in
    8 (modo, manera) in
    los valores aumentaron en un 6% securities increased by 6%
    10 en + gerund upon
    en llegando el maestro, los niños se levantan upon the teacher's arrival, the children stand up
    de casa en casa from house to house
    en cuanto as soon as
    en camino on the way
    * * *
    1) in
    2) on
    3) at
    4) by
    6) into
    * * *
    1) [indicando lugar]
    a) (=dentro de) in

    está en el cajón/en el armario — it's in the drawer/in the wardrobe

    b) (=encima de) on
    c) [con países, ciudades, calles]
    d) [con edificios]
    2) [indicando movimiento] into
    3) [indicando modo] in
    4) [indicando proporción] by
    5) [indicando tiempo]

    ayer en la mañana LAm yesterday morning

    en la mañana del accidente LAm on the morning of the accident

    6) [indicando tema, ocupación]

    Hugo en Segismundo — (Cine, Teat) Hugo as Segismundo, Hugo in the role of Segismundo

    7) [con medios de transporte] by
    8) [con cantidades] at, for
    9) [con infinitivo]
    10) [con gerundio]
    EN Como preposición de lugar, en se traduce normalmente por on, in o at. La elección de una de estas tres preposiciones depende a menudo de cómo percibe el hablante la relación espacial. He aquí unas líneas generales: Se traduce por on cuando en equivale a encima de o nos referimos a algo que se percibe como una superficie o una línea, por ejemplo una mesa, una carretera {etc}: "¿Has visto mi vestido?" - "Está en la tabla de planchar" "Have you seen my dress?" - "It's on the ironing-board" Estaban tumbados en la playa They were lying on the beach Está construyendo una casa en la colina He's building a house on the hill ... un pueblo en la costa oeste...... a village on the west coast... La gasolinera está en la carretera que va a Motril The petrol station is on the road to Motril Dibujó un león en la hoja de papel He drew a lion on the piece of paper Tiene un grano en la nariz He has a spot on his nose Lo vi en la tele I saw him on TV ► Se usa in cuando equivale a dentro de o cuando nos referimos a un espacio que se percibe como limitado (calle, montañas, etc): Tus gafas están en mi bolso Your glasses are in my bag Tienes una pestaña en el ojo You've got an eyelash in your eye Lo leí en un libro I read it in a book Se han comprado un chalet en la sierra They've bought a chalet in the mountains Viven en la calle de Serrano They live in the Calle de Serrano ► Lo traducimos por at para referirnos a un edificio cuando hablamos de la actividad que normalmente se realiza en él o cuando en indica un lugar concreto. También se traduce por at cuando en la dirección incluimos el número o el nombre de la casa: ¿Por qué no comemos en el restaurante de tu hermano? Why don't we have lunch at your brother's restaurant? Voy a pasar el día en el museo I'm going to spend the day at the museum Te espero en la parada del autobús I'll meet you at the bus-stop Vivimos en la calle Dale nº 12 We live at 12 Dale Street Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada
    * * *
    a) (refiriéndose a ciudad, edificio)

    viven en París/en una granja/en el número diez/en un hotel — they live in Paris/on a farm/at number ten/in a hotel

    viven en la calle Goyathey live on o (BrE) in Goya Street

    nos quedamos en casawe stayed home (AmE), we stayed at home (BrE)

    b) ( dentro de) in
    c) ( sobre) on
    2) (expresando circunstancias, ambiente, medio) in
    a) (indicando tema, especialidad, cualidad)
    b) (indicando proporción, precio)

    lo vendió en $30 — he sold it for $30

    las pérdidas se calcularon en $50.000 — the losses were calculated at $50,000

    a) (indicando estado, manera) in

    en buenas/malas condiciones — in good/bad condition

    en llamas — in flames, on fire

    ir en taxi/barco — to go by taxi/by boat

    fueron en bicicleta — they cycled, they went on their bikes


    ¿lo tienen en azul? — do you have it in blue?

    en la mañana/tarde/noche — (esp AmL) in the morning/afternoon/at night

    * * *
    = in, onto, into, at, throughout.
    Ex. The first institute, 'The Catalog: Its Nature and Prospects,' was held in New York City on October 9 and 10, 1975.
    Ex. When one is in place, the depression of a lever causes it to be photographed onto the next blank space.
    Ex. The application of a classification scheme to a set of documents should result in the ordering or arranging of that set of documents into groups or classes according to their subject content.
    Ex. He also resolved to talk with Cleo Passantino, a young librarian who had been at the library for three years and with whom he had had little contact.
    Ex. Throughout this chapter the term 'document' is used to refer to any item which might be found in a library or information center or data base.
    * en absoluto = at all, in the slightest, whatsoever, not at all, in any shape or form.
    * en abstracto = abstractly.
    * en abundancia = in plenty, liberally, in abundance, exuberantly, in profusion, aplenty [a-plenty], prodigiously, plentifully.
    * en activo = practising [practicing, -USA].
    * en adelante = forward [forwards].
    * en agradecimiento por = appreciative of.
    * en alerta roja = on red alert.
    * en alguna ocasión = on any one occasion.
    * en alguna parte = someplace.
    * en alguna parte de + Nombre = some way down + Nombre.
    * en algún lugar = somewhere, at some point.
    * en algún lugar (de por ahí) = somewhere out there.
    * en algún momento = somewhere along the line, sometime, at sometime, at some point, at some point in time, at one time or another.
    * en algunos casos = in some cases.
    * en algunos grupos = in some quarters.
    * en algunos grupos de la población = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sectores = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sectores de la población = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sentidos = in some respects.
    * en algunos sitios = in places.
    * en alquiler = rented.
    * en alta mar = on the open sea, offshore, on the high seas.
    * en alza = on the upswing.
    * en ambas direcciones = two-way.
    * en ambos casos = in either case, in either instance.
    * en ángulo = angled.
    * en ángulo recto = at right angles.
    * en antaño = in olden times, in olden days.
    * en antelación = anticipatory.
    * en anticipación = anticipatory.
    * en años anteriores = in prior years, in years past, in past years.
    * en apariencia = apparently, looking, seemingly, on the face of it, on the surface, ostensibly.
    * en apenas nada = in no time at all, in next to no time, in no time.
    * en apoyo a = in support of.
    * en apuros = hard-pressed, beleaguered, in deep trouble, in difficulties, if it comes to the crunch, when push comes to shove, when it comes to the crunch, when the worst comes to the worst, if the worst comes to the worst, in deep water, in hot water, in dire straits.
    * en aquel entonces = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time, in the course of events, during the course of events, back then, in those days.
    * en aquella época = at the time, at that time, in those days.
    * en aquellas ocasiones cuando = on occasions when.
    * en aquellos casos = in those cases.
    * en aquellos casos en los que = in those cases where.
    * en aquellos tiempos = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, in those days.
    * en aquel momento = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time.
    * en aras a = in the name of.
    * en aras de = in the interest(s) of.
    * en armonía = harmoniously, in harmony.
    * en armonía con = in harmony with, in harness with, in keeping with, in tune with, in sync with.
    * en ascuas = on tenterhooks.
    * en auge = in ascendancy, buoyant, booming, on the rise, at high tide.
    * en aumento = burgeoning, growing, increasing, mounting, rising, on the rise, heightening.
    * en aumento gradual = gradually quickening.
    * en Babia = absent-minded.
    * en balde = in vain, vainly, to no avail, of no avail.
    * en bandada = in full force.
    * en bandadas = in droves.
    * en base a = in terms of, on the grounds that/of, on the basis of.
    * en beneficio de = for the benefit of, to the benefit of.
    * en beneficio propio = to + Posesivo + advantage.
    * en bisel = angled.
    * en blanco = blankly, blank.
    * en blanco y negro = b&w (black and white).
    * en bloque = en bloc.
    * en boga = in vogue, in fashion, voguish.
    * en bolas = stark naked, in the nod, in the buff.
    * en breve = shortly, the long and (the) short of, soon [sooner -comp., soonest -sup.].
    * en broma = teasingly.
    * en buena compañía = in good company.
    * en buena condición = in good condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buena forma = in good nick.
    * en buena parte = for the most part.
    * en buenas condiciones para navegar = seaworthy.
    * en buenas manos = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * en buen estado = in good condition, in good working condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buen estado de funcionamiento = in good working condition.
    * en busca de quimeras = in pursuit of + windmills.
    * en búsqueda de = a quest for.
    * en cada fase = at each stage.
    * en caída = flowing.
    * en caja = boxed.
    * en caliente = in the heat of the moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * en cama = abed.
    * en cambio = by contrast, in contrast, instead, shifting, by comparison.
    * en camino = on the way.
    * en cantidad = bulk.
    * en + Cantidad + años = in + Cantidad + years' time.
    * en capilla = on tenterhooks, in suspense.
    * en carnavales = carnivalistically.
    * en carne y hueso = in the flesh.
    * en casa = in the home.
    * en casa de herrero cuchillo de palo = the cobbler's children run barefoot.
    * en casi nada = in no time at all, in next to no time, in no time.
    * en casi todos los + Nombre = in just about every + Nombre.
    * en caso de darse circunstancias ajenas a + Posesivo + control = in the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * en caso de emergencia = in an emergency, in an emergency situation.
    * en caso de fuerza mayor = in the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * en CD-ROM = CD-ROM-based.
    * en chirona = behind bars.
    * en ciernes = developing, budding, in the making.
    * en cierta medida = to some extent, to a certain extent, to some degree.
    * en ciertas circunstancias = in certain circumstances.
    * en ciertas ocasiones = at certain times.
    * en cierto grado = something of.
    * en cierto modo = to some extent, after a fashion, to a certain extent, in a manner of speaking, so to speak, to some degree.
    * en cierto modo + Verbo = sort of + Verbo.
    * en ciertos casos = in certain cases.
    * en cierto sentido = in several respects, to some extent, in a sense, in some respects, to some degree.
    * en circuito cerrado = looped.
    * en círcuitos de segunda categoría = in the provinces.
    * en circuitos de segundo orden = in the provinces.
    * en circumstancias difíciles = under difficult circumstances.
    * en circunstancias misteriosas = in mysterious circumstances.
    * en circunstancias normales = in the course of events, during the course of events, under normal circumstances.
    * en circusntancias normales = in the normal run of things.
    * en coche = drive.
    * en colaboración = collaborative, cooperative [co-operative], jointly, participatory, in concert, in consort, collaboratively, synergistic, synergistically, in tandem, in a tandem fashion, in partnership.
    * en colaboración con = in concert with, in consultation with, in collaboration with, in alliance with, in conjunction with, in partnership with.
    * en colaboración con, junto con, de manera conjunta con = in partnership with.
    * en color = coloured [colored, -USA], full-colour.
    * en columnas = columnar.
    * en colusión con = in collusion with, in complicity with, in connivance with.
    * en coma = comatose.
    * en combinación con = in parallel to/with, in combination with.
    * en comisión de servicios = seconded.
    * en comparación = by comparison.
    * en comparación con = against, as compared to, set against, in comparison with, in comparison to.
    * en compensación = compensatory.
    * en complicidad con = in cahoots (with), in complicity with, in complicity with, in collusion with, in connivance with.
    * en común con = in common with.
    * en conciencia = in good conscience.
    * en conclusión = in conclusion.
    * en concordancia con = in accordance with, in accord with.
    * en concreto = in particular, to be specific.
    * en condiciones = decent.
    * en condiciones de = in the position to.
    * en condiciones de igualdad = on an equal footing, on equal terms, on an equal basis.
    * en condiciones difíciles = under difficult conditions.
    * en conexión con = in respect of.
    * en confidencia = in confidence.
    * en conflicto (con) = in conflict (with).
    * en conformidad con = in conformity with, in keeping with.
    * en conjunción con = in conjunction with, in tandem with.
    * en conjunto = altogether, on balance, bulk, all in all, overall, overall.
    * en conmemoración de = in celebration of, commemorative.
    * en connivencia = colluding.
    * en connivencia con = in collusion with, in cahoots (with), in complicity with, in connivance with.
    * en consecuencia = accordingly, consequently, hence, in consequence, as a consequence (of), it follows that, on this basis, on that basis, in doing so.
    * en consecuencia lógica = by implication.
    * en consideración = under consideration.
    * en consideración a = for the sake of, out of consideration for, out of respect for.
    * en consonacia con = in line with.
    * en consonancia con = in concert with, in keeping with, in step with, in tune with, in consonance with.
    * en constante cambio = ever-changing [ever changing], ever-fluid, on the move, fast changing [fast-changing], ever-shifting.
    * en constante expansión = ever-expanding, ever-growing.
    * en constante movimiento = on the move, on the go.
    * en construcción = under development, under construction.
    * en contacto = in communication.
    * en contacto con la realidad = in touch with + reality.
    * en contadas ocasiones = rarely, seldom, on rare occasions.
    * en contenedor = containerised [containerized, -USA].
    * en continua expansión = expanding.
    * en continuo aumento = ever-increasing.
    * en continuo cambio = constantly shifting, ever-changing [ever changing], ever-shifting.
    * en contra = counterpoint, against.
    * en contra de la guerra = antiwar [anti-war].
    * en contra de la opinión general = contrary to popular belief.
    * en contra de la raza blanca = anti-white [antiwhite].
    * en contra de la raza negra = antiblack [anti-black].
    * en contra de las circunstancias = against circumstances.
    * en contra de las instituciones = anti-establishment.
    * en contra del gobierno = anti-government.
    * en contraposición a = as opposed to, in contrast (to/with), in contradistinction to.
    * en contraste con = in contrast (to/with).
    * en contravención de = in contravention of.
    * en contubernio (con) = in cahoots (with).
    * en cooperación = cooperative [co-operative].
    * en cooperación con = in cooperation with.
    * en cooperativa = cooperatively [co-operatively].
    * en costras = caked.
    * en crisis = depressed, crisis-ridden, on the rocks.
    * en cuadernillo = in booklet form.
    * en cualquier caso = for that matter, in any event, in any case, in either case.
    * en cualquier domingo = on any given Sunday.
    * en cualquier lugar = everywhere, anywhere.
    * en cualquier momento = anytime, at any one time, at any point, at any point in time, at any time, at any moment, at any given point, at any moment in time, at any given moment, momentarily, on any given Sunday.
    * en cualquier momento en el futuro = at some stage.
    * en cualquier orden = either way round.
    * en cualquier otra circunstancia = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en cualquier otra parte = anywhere else, everywhere else.
    * en cualquier otra situación = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en cualquier otro lugar = anywhere else, everywhere else.
    * en cualquier otro momento = some other time.
    * en cualquier otro sitio = anywhere else.
    * en cualquier parte = anywhere, everywhere.
    * en cualquier sitio = everywhere, anywhere.
    * en cualquier situación = in any given situation.
    * en + Cuantificador + aspectos = in + Cuantificador + respects.
    * en + Cuantificador + sentidos = in + Cuantificador + respects.
    * en cuanto a = as to, in extent of, in regard to, in terms of, in the way of, with regard(s) to, as for, as regards, as to the matter of, in reference to, now as to, moving on to.
    * en cuanto a él = as for him.
    * en cuanto a ella = as for her.
    * en cuanto a ellos = as for them.
    * en cuanto a los hechos = factually.
    * en cuanto a mí = as for me.
    * en cuanto a nosotros = as for us.
    * en cuanto a ti = as for you.
    * en cuanto a usted = as for you.
    * en cuanto a vosotros = as for you.
    * en cuanto + nacer = at birth.
    * en cuanto que = in that.
    * en cuarto lugar = fourthly.
    * en cuatro niveles = quadraplaner.
    * en cuclicllas = in a squatting position.
    * en cuclillas = squat, in a squat position, in a crouching position.
    * en cueros = in the buff, in the nod, stark naked.
    * en cuestión = at hand, concerned, in hand, individual, at issue, of concern.
    * en cuestión de minutos = within minutes, in a matter of minutes.
    * en cuestión de segundos = within seconds, in a matter of seconds.
    * en cuestión de + Tiempo = in a matter of + Tiempo, within a matter of + Tiempo.
    * en cuestiones de = in matters of.
    * en cumplimiento con = in line with, in compliance with.
    * en cursiva = in italic type.
    * en curso = in process, underway [under way], in progress, ongoing [on-going], afoot, current, under preparation.
    * en curso de = in course of.
    * en cuyo caso = in which case.
    * en danza = on the run.
    * en decadencia = bankrupt.
    * en defensa propia = in self-defence.
    * en definitiva = in all, all in all, in the last analysis, in the final analysis, all things considered.
    * en definitiva, bien mirado, bien considerado = all things considered.
    * en demanda = in-demand.
    * en demasía = excess, to excess, excessively.
    * en desacuerdo = disapproving, at odds.
    * en desacuerdo con = at odds with.
    * en desarmonía con = out of tune with, out of keeping with.
    * en desarrollo = evolving, under development.
    * en descomposición = decaying, putrefying.
    * en desesperación = despairing, in despair.
    * en desuso = obsolete, disused.
    * en detalle = at length.
    * en deterioro = deteriorating, crumbling, decaying, dilapidated, disintegrating.
    * en determinadas ocasiones = sometimes, on particular occasions.
    * en detrimento de = to the detriment of, to + Posesivo + detriment, to the neglect of.
    * en diagonal = herringbone.
    * en días alternos = every other day.
    * en diferente grado = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferente medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferentes momentos = at various times, at different times.
    * en diferentes ocasiones = at different times, at various times.
    * en dificultades = stranded.
    * en dinero = monetised [monetized, -pl.].
    * en dirección de la proa = abaft.
    * en dirección este = eastward(s), eastbound.
    * en dirección norte = northbound.
    * en dirección oeste = westbound, westward(s).
    * en dirección sur = southward(s), southbound.
    * en disco = ondisc.
    * en disminución = dwindling, on the wane.
    * en + Distancia + a la redonda = within + Distancia.
    * en distinta medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en distintas ocasiones = at different times, at various times, on several occasions.
    * en distinto grado = in varying measures, differing, to varying degrees.
    * en distintos formatos = multiform.
    * en distintos momentos = at different times, at various times.
    * en diversas lenguas = multilingually.
    * en diversas ocasiones = on several occasions.
    * en diverso grado = to varying extents, to varying degrees.
    * en diversos formatos = multiform.
    * en donde = where, wherein.
    * en dos años = over a two-year period.
    * en dos lenguas = bilingually.
    * en dos niveles = split-level.
    * en dos palabras = in a nutshell, in a nutshell.
    * en dos volúmenes = two-volume.
    * en duda = in doubt.
    * en edad de trabajar = working-age.
    * en efecto = to all intents and purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * en ejercicio = incumbent, practising [practicing, -USA].
    * en el abandono = in the wilderness.
    * en el acto = ipso facto, outright, on the spot, while-you-wait [while-u-wait], at the drop of a hat.
    * en el aire = in mid-air, airborne.
    * en el ámbito de = in the realm of.
    * en el año catapún = in the dim and distant past.
    * en el año del Señor = in the year of our Lord.
    * en el año entrante = in the coming year.
    * en el año próximo = in the coming year.
    * en el año venidero = in the coming year.
    * en el área de + Lugar = Lugar + area.
    * en el asiento de atrás = in the back seat.
    * en el asiento trasero = in the back seat.
    * en el aula de clase = classroom-based.
    * en el banquillo = on the bench.
    * en el blanco de mira = in the spotlight, in the crosshairs.
    * en el camino = along the way, en route, in the process.
    * en el campo de = in the realm of, in the field of.
    * en el campus universitario = campus-based.
    * en el candelero = in the spotlight.
    * en el cargo = in the saddle, in office.
    * en el caso de = for, in association with, in the case of, in the event of, in case of, in the context of.
    * en (el) caso de que = in the event that, should, in case.
    * en el caso poco probable de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en el centro de = at the heart of.
    * en el cine = at the movies.
    * en el clima actual de = in the present climate of.
    * en el contexto de = in the realm of.
    * en el culo = in the bottom.
    * en el culo del mundo = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el curso de la historia = in the course of history.
    * en el curso normal de = in the mainstream of.
    * en el curso normal de las cosas = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en el curso normal de las cosas, en el curso normal de los acontecimientos, = in the normal run of things.
    * en el curso normal de los acontecimientos = in the normal run of events, in the normal run of things.
    * en el desierto = in the wilderness.
    * en el detalle = in detail.
    * en el día a día = in the day to day, in the trenches.
    * en el dique seco = in dry dock, in the wilderness.
    * en el eje = at the core (of).
    * en el entorno de = in the realm of.
    * en el escenario = on stage.
    * en el escenario mundial = on the world stage.
    * en el espacio = spatially.
    * en el estricto sentido de la palabra = strictly speaking.
    * en el estudio = at study, at study.
    * en el extranjero = abroad, overseas, offshore.
    * en el extremo opuesto = at the far end.
    * en el fin de semana = over the weekend, over the weekend, at the weekend.
    * en el foco de atención = in the spotlight.
    * en el fondo = at heart, deep down, in the back of + Posesivo + mind, in the back of + Posesivo + head, at the back of + Posesivo + head, bottom line, the, in the bottom.
    * en el fondo de = at the root of.
    * en el futuro = Número + Tiempo + ahead, down the road, in future, in time(s) to come, at + future date, in (the) years to come, at some future time, in the years to come, in the years ahead, in years to come, at some future point, in the future, for future reference, for the years to come.
    * en el futuro a largo plazo = in the long-term future.
    * en el futuro cercano = in the foreseeable future.
    * en el futuro inmediato = in the offing, in the foreseeable future.
    * en el futuro lejano = further in the future.
    * en el haber de Uno = under + Posesivo + belt.
    * en el horario de trabajo = on company time.
    * en el horizonte = on the horizon.
    * en el hospital = at the bedside.
    * en el improbable caso de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en el instante en que + Subjuntivo = the moment + Verbo.
    * en el ínterin = in the interim, in the intervening years, in the intervening period, ad interim.
    * en el juego = at play.
    * en el lado negativo = on the debit side, on the negative side, on the downside.
    * en el lado positivo = on the credit side, on the positive side, on the plus side, on the bright side.
    * en ello = therein, thereupon [thereon].
    * en el lugar del accidente = at the scene, at the scene of the accident.
    * en el lugar de los hechos = at the scene.
    * en el mandato = in office.
    * en el mando = at the wheel.
    * en el mar = at sea.
    * en el marco de = within the ambit of, within the bounds of.
    * en el más allá = dead and gone.
    * en el mayor secreto = a veil of secrecy.
    * en el mejor de los casos = at best, at most, ideally, in the best of circumstances, the best case scenario, at the most, at the best of times, at the very best.
    * en el mejor momento de Uno = at + Posesivo + (very) best.
    * en el mismo centro (de) = plumb in the middle (of).
    * en el mismo número de años = in as many years.
    * en el mismo orden que = in sync with.
    * en el momento = on the spot.
    * en el momento actual = in this day and age, at the present time.
    * en el momento adecuado = at the right time.
    * en el momento de = at the time (that/of).
    * en el momento de escribir estas líneas = at the time of writing.
    * en el momento de la impresión = at the time of going to print.
    * en el momento en que se necesita = at the point-of-need, at the point of use, point of use.
    * en el momento en que + Subjuntivo = the moment + Verbo.
    * en el momento justo = on cue.
    * en el momento más débil de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * en el momento oportuno = at the right time, not a moment too soon, not a minute too soon.
    * en el momento peor de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * en el mundo = on the face of the earth, on the world stage.
    * en el mundo antiguo = in antiquity.
    * en el mundo entero = all over the world, worldwide [world-wide], all around the world, throughout the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * en el mundo que nos rodea = out there.
    * en el nivel básico = at grass roots level.
    * en el nivel intermedio de = in the middle range of.
    * en el nivel medio de = in the middle range of.
    * en el norte del estado = upstate.
    * en el núcleo = at the core (of).
    * en el ocaso = over the hill.
    * en el ojo del huracán = in the eye of the storm, in the eye of the hurricane.
    * en el orden del día = on the agenda.
    * en el origen (de) = in the early days (of).
    * en el otro extremo = at the other extreme.
    * en el otro extremo de la escala = at the other end of the scale, at the other end of the spectrum, at the other extreme.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = be a case of the blind leading the blind.
    * en el pasado = in the past, in past eras, at some point in the past, in years gone by, in days gone by, in former times.
    * en el pasado remoto = in the dim and distant past.
    * en el peor de los casos = at worst, in the worst of circumstances, at + Posesivo + very worst, the worst case scenario, at + Posesivo + worst, in the worst case.
    * en el período penoso de = in the throes of.
    * en el período previo a = in the run up to, during the run up to.
    * en el piso de abajo = downstairs.
    * en el piso de arriba = upstairs.
    * en el poder = in office.
    * en el primer caso = in the former case.
    * en el proceso = in the process.
    * en el propio campus universitario = campus-based.
    * en el propio cortijo = on-farm.
    * en el próximo año = in the year ahead, in the coming year.
    * en el puesto de dirección = in the hot seat.
    * en el punto álgido de = at the height of.
    * en el punto de mira = in the spotlight, in the crosshairs.
    * en el que = wherein.
    * en el que se puede buscar = searchable.
    * en el quinto coño = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el quinto pino = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el quirófano = under the knife.
    * en el resto = everywhere else.
    * en el resto de = elsewhere.
    * en el seguimiento de = in the pursuit of.
    * en el segundo caso = in the latter case.
    * en el seno de = within, among.
    * en el sentido de las agujas del reloj = clockwise.
    * en el sentido de que = in the sense that, along the lines that, in that.
    * en el sentido más amplio = in the broadest sense, in the widest sense.
    * en el sentido más general = in the broadest sense.
    * en el sentido que = in which.
    * en el timón = in the saddle.
    * en el trabajo = on-the-job, at work.
    * en el transcurso de = throughout the course of, throughout the course of, in the course of, during the course of, over the course of, throughout.
    * en el transcurso de algunos años = over a period of years.
    * en el transcurso de la historia = in the course of history.
    * en el transcurso de los siglos = over the course of the centuries.
    * en el transcurso normal de + Posesivo + vida(s) = in the normal course of + Posesivo + life/lives.
    * en el trasfondo de = at the root of.
    * en el último caso = in the latter case.
    * en el último minuto = last minute [last-minute], at the last minute.
    * en el último momento = at the eleventh hour, at the very last minute, at the very last moment, at the very last, at the last minute.
    * en el umbral de = on the threshold of.
    * en el vuelo = in-flight.
    * en entrante = recessed.
    * en entredicho = under challenge.
    * en episodios = episodic.
    * en época de carnaval = carnivalistically.
    * en época de feria = carnivalistically.
    * en época de paz = in peacetime, during peacetime.
    * en épocas anteriores = in former times, in past eras.
    * en épocas de = in times of.
    * en épocas de guerra = in time(s) of war.
    * en épocas de paz = in time(s) of peace.
    * en épocas de prosperidad económica = in affluent times.
    * en épocas difíciles = in times of need.
    * en épocas pasadas = in past ages.
    * en escamas = flaky.
    * en ese caso = in that case.
    * en ese mismo instante = at that very moment.
    * en ese mismo momento = at that very moment.
    * en ese momento = at that point, at this point, at that time, just then, at that point in time.
    * en esencia = in essence, essentially.
    * en ese sentido = on that score, to that effect.
    * en esos casos = in those cases.
    * en espacios cerrados = indoors.
    * en especial = especially (specially), notably, specially (especially).
    * en especie = in kind.
    * en espera = on hold.
    * en espiga = herringbone.
    * en esta coyuntura = at this juncture.
    * en estado = pregnant, in the family way.
    * en estado de abandono = decaying, dilapidated, dilapidated.
    * en estado de alerta = on alert.
    * en estado de alerta, de guardia = on standby.
    * en estado de buena esperanza = pregnant, in the family way.
    * en estado de cambio = in a state of flux.
    * en estado de descomposición = decaying.
    * en estado de deterioro = decaying, dilapidated.
    * en estado de reserva = on standby.
    * en estado de reserva, en estado de alerta, de guardia = on standby.
    * en estado de sitio = in a state of siege, under siege.
    * en estado embrionario = embryo, embryonic, in embryonic stage, in embryo, in the embryo stage.
    * en esta época del año = around this time of year.
    * en esta ocasión = on this occasion.
    * en estas circunstancias = under these circumstances.
    * en esta situación = at this juncture.
    * en este caso = in this case.
    * en este contexto = against this background.
    * en este documento = herein, herewith, hereto.
    * en este extremo = to this extent.
    * en este grado = to this extent.
    * en este mismo sentido = along the same lines.
    * en este momento = at this point, at this stage, at this juncture, at this time, at this moment in time, right now.
    * en este período = in the course of events, during the course of events.
    * en este sentido = along these lines, in this connection, in this direction, in this sense, in this vein, in this spirit, in this regard, in this effort, in that spirit, on this score, to that effect.
    * en estos casos = in these cases.
    * en estos días = today, these days.
    * en estos tiempos = in these times, in this day and age.
    * en estrecha colaboración = in close collaboration.
    * en estrecha colaboración con = hand-in-glove with.
    * en estuche = boxed.
    * en excelente estado = in tip-top condition, in tip-top form.
    * en excelentes condiciones = in tip-top condition, in tip-top form.
    * en exceso = overflow, overflowing, excessively, excess, to excess.
    * en exclusiva = exclusively.
    * en existencia = in existence.
    * en expansión = expanded.
    * en exposición = on exhibit, on show, on display.
    * en + Expresión Temporal = as of + Expresión Temporal, come + Expresión Temporal.
    * en extensión = in length.
    * en extenso = at length, in full.
    * en extremo = no end, to no end.
    * en fase terminal = terminally ill.
    * en favor de = in favour of.
    * en flor = in full blossom, in blossom.
    * en forma = fit [fitter -comp., fittest -sup.], toned.
    * en forma de = in the form of, in the shape of.
    * en forma de A = A-shaped.
    * en forma de arco = arched, bowed.
    * en forma de capa = cape-like.
    * en forma de cruz = cross-shaped.
    * en forma de cuadrado = square-shaped.
    * en forma de cuña = wedge-shaped.
    * en forma de cúpula = dome-shaped, domed.
    * en forma de D = d-shaped.
    * en forma de estrella = star-shaped [star shaped].
    * en forma de L = L-shaped.
    * en forma de libro = in book form.
    * en forma de medialuna = crescent-shaped.
    * en forma de parásito = parasitically.
    * en forma de pera = pear-shaped.
    * en forma de pirámide = pyramidal-shaped.
    * en forma de trompeta = trumpet-shaped.
    * en forma de U = U-shaped.
    * en forma de V = V-shaped.
    * en forma física = physically fit.
    * en forma física y mental = physically and mentally fit.
    * en forma ovalada = oval-shaped.
    * en forma piramidal = pyramidal-shaped.
    * en formato de libro moderno = in codex form.
    * en formato digital = digitally.
    * en formato electrónico = in electronic form.
    * en formato MARC = in MARC form.
    * en formato papel = paper-based, in hard copy.
    * en frente = ahead, in front.
    * en frente de = in front of.
    * en funcionamiento = in operation.
    * en función de = according to, as a function of, depending on/upon.
    * en general = at large, by and large, for the most part, generally, in general, in the main, on balance, on the whole, overall, all in all, broadly, as a whole, generally speaking.
    * en germinación = budding.
    * en gestación = in the making.
    * en grado mínimo = minimally.
    * en gran cantidad = prodigiously.
    * en grandes cantidades = en masse, in good number, in record numbers, in bulk.
    * en grandes números = in record numbers.
    * en gran formato = oversize, oversized.
    * en gran medida = broadly, by and large, extensively, greatly, heavily, largely, to a considerable extent, to a high degree, to a large extent, tremendously, vastly, very much, keenly, in no small way, to any great degree, in many ways, in large part, in large measure, in no small measure, to a great extent, to a large degree, to a great degree.
    * en gran número = numerously.
    * en gran parte
    * * *
    a) (refiriéndose a ciudad, edificio)

    viven en París/en una granja/en el número diez/en un hotel — they live in Paris/on a farm/at number ten/in a hotel

    viven en la calle Goyathey live on o (BrE) in Goya Street

    nos quedamos en casawe stayed home (AmE), we stayed at home (BrE)

    b) ( dentro de) in
    c) ( sobre) on
    2) (expresando circunstancias, ambiente, medio) in
    a) (indicando tema, especialidad, cualidad)
    b) (indicando proporción, precio)

    lo vendió en $30 — he sold it for $30

    las pérdidas se calcularon en $50.000 — the losses were calculated at $50,000

    a) (indicando estado, manera) in

    en buenas/malas condiciones — in good/bad condition

    en llamas — in flames, on fire

    ir en taxi/barco — to go by taxi/by boat

    fueron en bicicleta — they cycled, they went on their bikes


    ¿lo tienen en azul? — do you have it in blue?

    en la mañana/tarde/noche — (esp AmL) in the morning/afternoon/at night

    * * *
    = in, onto, into, at, throughout.

    Ex: The first institute, 'The Catalog: Its Nature and Prospects,' was held in New York City on October 9 and 10, 1975.

    Ex: When one is in place, the depression of a lever causes it to be photographed onto the next blank space.
    Ex: The application of a classification scheme to a set of documents should result in the ordering or arranging of that set of documents into groups or classes according to their subject content.
    Ex: He also resolved to talk with Cleo Passantino, a young librarian who had been at the library for three years and with whom he had had little contact.
    Ex: Throughout this chapter the term 'document' is used to refer to any item which might be found in a library or information center or data base.
    * en absoluto = at all, in the slightest, whatsoever, not at all, in any shape or form.
    * en abstracto = abstractly.
    * en abundancia = in plenty, liberally, in abundance, exuberantly, in profusion, aplenty [a-plenty], prodigiously, plentifully.
    * en activo = practising [practicing, -USA].
    * en adelante = forward [forwards].
    * en agradecimiento por = appreciative of.
    * en alerta roja = on red alert.
    * en alguna ocasión = on any one occasion.
    * en alguna parte = someplace.
    * en alguna parte de + Nombre = some way down + Nombre.
    * en algún lugar = somewhere, at some point.
    * en algún lugar (de por ahí) = somewhere out there.
    * en algún momento = somewhere along the line, sometime, at sometime, at some point, at some point in time, at one time or another.
    * en algunos casos = in some cases.
    * en algunos grupos = in some quarters.
    * en algunos grupos de la población = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sectores = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sectores de la población = in some quarters.
    * en algunos sentidos = in some respects.
    * en algunos sitios = in places.
    * en alquiler = rented.
    * en alta mar = on the open sea, offshore, on the high seas.
    * en alza = on the upswing.
    * en ambas direcciones = two-way.
    * en ambos casos = in either case, in either instance.
    * en ángulo = angled.
    * en ángulo recto = at right angles.
    * en antaño = in olden times, in olden days.
    * en antelación = anticipatory.
    * en anticipación = anticipatory.
    * en años anteriores = in prior years, in years past, in past years.
    * en apariencia = apparently, looking, seemingly, on the face of it, on the surface, ostensibly.
    * en apenas nada = in no time at all, in next to no time, in no time.
    * en apoyo a = in support of.
    * en apuros = hard-pressed, beleaguered, in deep trouble, in difficulties, if it comes to the crunch, when push comes to shove, when it comes to the crunch, when the worst comes to the worst, if the worst comes to the worst, in deep water, in hot water, in dire straits.
    * en aquel entonces = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time, in the course of events, during the course of events, back then, in those days.
    * en aquella época = at the time, at that time, in those days.
    * en aquellas ocasiones cuando = on occasions when.
    * en aquellos casos = in those cases.
    * en aquellos casos en los que = in those cases where.
    * en aquellos tiempos = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, in those days.
    * en aquel momento = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time.
    * en aras a = in the name of.
    * en aras de = in the interest(s) of.
    * en armonía = harmoniously, in harmony.
    * en armonía con = in harmony with, in harness with, in keeping with, in tune with, in sync with.
    * en ascuas = on tenterhooks.
    * en auge = in ascendancy, buoyant, booming, on the rise, at high tide.
    * en aumento = burgeoning, growing, increasing, mounting, rising, on the rise, heightening.
    * en aumento gradual = gradually quickening.
    * en Babia = absent-minded.
    * en balde = in vain, vainly, to no avail, of no avail.
    * en bandada = in full force.
    * en bandadas = in droves.
    * en base a = in terms of, on the grounds that/of, on the basis of.
    * en beneficio de = for the benefit of, to the benefit of.
    * en beneficio propio = to + Posesivo + advantage.
    * en bisel = angled.
    * en blanco = blankly, blank.
    * en blanco y negro = b&w (black and white).
    * en bloque = en bloc.
    * en boga = in vogue, in fashion, voguish.
    * en bolas = stark naked, in the nod, in the buff.
    * en breve = shortly, the long and (the) short of, soon [sooner -comp., soonest -sup.].
    * en broma = teasingly.
    * en buena compañía = in good company.
    * en buena condición = in good condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buena forma = in good nick.
    * en buena parte = for the most part.
    * en buenas condiciones para navegar = seaworthy.
    * en buenas manos = in a safe place, in safekeeping.
    * en buen estado = in good condition, in good working condition, in good shape, in good nick.
    * en buen estado de funcionamiento = in good working condition.
    * en busca de quimeras = in pursuit of + windmills.
    * en búsqueda de = a quest for.
    * en cada fase = at each stage.
    * en caída = flowing.
    * en caja = boxed.
    * en caliente = in the heat of the moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * en cama = abed.
    * en cambio = by contrast, in contrast, instead, shifting, by comparison.
    * en camino = on the way.
    * en cantidad = bulk.
    * en + Cantidad + años = in + Cantidad + years' time.
    * en capilla = on tenterhooks, in suspense.
    * en carnavales = carnivalistically.
    * en carne y hueso = in the flesh.
    * en casa = in the home.
    * en casa de herrero cuchillo de palo = the cobbler's children run barefoot.
    * en casi nada = in no time at all, in next to no time, in no time.
    * en casi todos los + Nombre = in just about every + Nombre.
    * en caso de darse circunstancias ajenas a + Posesivo + control = in the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * en caso de emergencia = in an emergency, in an emergency situation.
    * en caso de fuerza mayor = in the event of circumstances beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * en CD-ROM = CD-ROM-based.
    * en chirona = behind bars.
    * en ciernes = developing, budding, in the making.
    * en cierta medida = to some extent, to a certain extent, to some degree.
    * en ciertas circunstancias = in certain circumstances.
    * en ciertas ocasiones = at certain times.
    * en cierto grado = something of.
    * en cierto modo = to some extent, after a fashion, to a certain extent, in a manner of speaking, so to speak, to some degree.
    * en cierto modo + Verbo = sort of + Verbo.
    * en ciertos casos = in certain cases.
    * en cierto sentido = in several respects, to some extent, in a sense, in some respects, to some degree.
    * en circuito cerrado = looped.
    * en círcuitos de segunda categoría = in the provinces.
    * en circuitos de segundo orden = in the provinces.
    * en circumstancias difíciles = under difficult circumstances.
    * en circunstancias misteriosas = in mysterious circumstances.
    * en circunstancias normales = in the course of events, during the course of events, under normal circumstances.
    * en circusntancias normales = in the normal run of things.
    * en coche = drive.
    * en colaboración = collaborative, cooperative [co-operative], jointly, participatory, in concert, in consort, collaboratively, synergistic, synergistically, in tandem, in a tandem fashion, in partnership.
    * en colaboración con = in concert with, in consultation with, in collaboration with, in alliance with, in conjunction with, in partnership with.
    * en colaboración con, junto con, de manera conjunta con = in partnership with.
    * en color = coloured [colored, -USA], full-colour.
    * en columnas = columnar.
    * en colusión con = in collusion with, in complicity with, in connivance with.
    * en coma = comatose.
    * en combinación con = in parallel to/with, in combination with.
    * en comisión de servicios = seconded.
    * en comparación = by comparison.
    * en comparación con = against, as compared to, set against, in comparison with, in comparison to.
    * en compensación = compensatory.
    * en complicidad con = in cahoots (with), in complicity with, in complicity with, in collusion with, in connivance with.
    * en común con = in common with.
    * en conciencia = in good conscience.
    * en conclusión = in conclusion.
    * en concordancia con = in accordance with, in accord with.
    * en concreto = in particular, to be specific.
    * en condiciones = decent.
    * en condiciones de = in the position to.
    * en condiciones de igualdad = on an equal footing, on equal terms, on an equal basis.
    * en condiciones difíciles = under difficult conditions.
    * en conexión con = in respect of.
    * en confidencia = in confidence.
    * en conflicto (con) = in conflict (with).
    * en conformidad con = in conformity with, in keeping with.
    * en conjunción con = in conjunction with, in tandem with.
    * en conjunto = altogether, on balance, bulk, all in all, overall, overall.
    * en conmemoración de = in celebration of, commemorative.
    * en connivencia = colluding.
    * en connivencia con = in collusion with, in cahoots (with), in complicity with, in connivance with.
    * en consecuencia = accordingly, consequently, hence, in consequence, as a consequence (of), it follows that, on this basis, on that basis, in doing so.
    * en consecuencia lógica = by implication.
    * en consideración = under consideration.
    * en consideración a = for the sake of, out of consideration for, out of respect for.
    * en consonacia con = in line with.
    * en consonancia con = in concert with, in keeping with, in step with, in tune with, in consonance with.
    * en constante cambio = ever-changing [ever changing], ever-fluid, on the move, fast changing [fast-changing], ever-shifting.
    * en constante expansión = ever-expanding, ever-growing.
    * en constante movimiento = on the move, on the go.
    * en construcción = under development, under construction.
    * en contacto = in communication.
    * en contacto con la realidad = in touch with + reality.
    * en contadas ocasiones = rarely, seldom, on rare occasions.
    * en contenedor = containerised [containerized, -USA].
    * en continua expansión = expanding.
    * en continuo aumento = ever-increasing.
    * en continuo cambio = constantly shifting, ever-changing [ever changing], ever-shifting.
    * en contra = counterpoint, against.
    * en contra de la guerra = antiwar [anti-war].
    * en contra de la opinión general = contrary to popular belief.
    * en contra de la raza blanca = anti-white [antiwhite].
    * en contra de la raza negra = antiblack [anti-black].
    * en contra de las circunstancias = against circumstances.
    * en contra de las instituciones = anti-establishment.
    * en contra del gobierno = anti-government.
    * en contraposición a = as opposed to, in contrast (to/with), in contradistinction to.
    * en contraste con = in contrast (to/with).
    * en contravención de = in contravention of.
    * en contubernio (con) = in cahoots (with).
    * en cooperación = cooperative [co-operative].
    * en cooperación con = in cooperation with.
    * en cooperativa = cooperatively [co-operatively].
    * en costras = caked.
    * en crisis = depressed, crisis-ridden, on the rocks.
    * en cuadernillo = in booklet form.
    * en cualquier caso = for that matter, in any event, in any case, in either case.
    * en cualquier domingo = on any given Sunday.
    * en cualquier lugar = everywhere, anywhere.
    * en cualquier momento = anytime, at any one time, at any point, at any point in time, at any time, at any moment, at any given point, at any moment in time, at any given moment, momentarily, on any given Sunday.
    * en cualquier momento en el futuro = at some stage.
    * en cualquier orden = either way round.
    * en cualquier otra circunstancia = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en cualquier otra parte = anywhere else, everywhere else.
    * en cualquier otra situación = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en cualquier otro lugar = anywhere else, everywhere else.
    * en cualquier otro momento = some other time.
    * en cualquier otro sitio = anywhere else.
    * en cualquier parte = anywhere, everywhere.
    * en cualquier sitio = everywhere, anywhere.
    * en cualquier situación = in any given situation.
    * en + Cuantificador + aspectos = in + Cuantificador + respects.
    * en + Cuantificador + sentidos = in + Cuantificador + respects.
    * en cuanto a = as to, in extent of, in regard to, in terms of, in the way of, with regard(s) to, as for, as regards, as to the matter of, in reference to, now as to, moving on to.
    * en cuanto a él = as for him.
    * en cuanto a ella = as for her.
    * en cuanto a ellos = as for them.
    * en cuanto a los hechos = factually.
    * en cuanto a mí = as for me.
    * en cuanto a nosotros = as for us.
    * en cuanto a ti = as for you.
    * en cuanto a usted = as for you.
    * en cuanto a vosotros = as for you.
    * en cuanto + nacer = at birth.
    * en cuanto que = in that.
    * en cuarto lugar = fourthly.
    * en cuatro niveles = quadraplaner.
    * en cuclicllas = in a squatting position.
    * en cuclillas = squat, in a squat position, in a crouching position.
    * en cueros = in the buff, in the nod, stark naked.
    * en cuestión = at hand, concerned, in hand, individual, at issue, of concern.
    * en cuestión de minutos = within minutes, in a matter of minutes.
    * en cuestión de segundos = within seconds, in a matter of seconds.
    * en cuestión de + Tiempo = in a matter of + Tiempo, within a matter of + Tiempo.
    * en cuestiones de = in matters of.
    * en cumplimiento con = in line with, in compliance with.
    * en cursiva = in italic type.
    * en curso = in process, underway [under way], in progress, ongoing [on-going], afoot, current, under preparation.
    * en curso de = in course of.
    * en cuyo caso = in which case.
    * en danza = on the run.
    * en decadencia = bankrupt.
    * en defensa propia = in self-defence.
    * en definitiva = in all, all in all, in the last analysis, in the final analysis, all things considered.
    * en definitiva, bien mirado, bien considerado = all things considered.
    * en demanda = in-demand.
    * en demasía = excess, to excess, excessively.
    * en desacuerdo = disapproving, at odds.
    * en desacuerdo con = at odds with.
    * en desarmonía con = out of tune with, out of keeping with.
    * en desarrollo = evolving, under development.
    * en descomposición = decaying, putrefying.
    * en desesperación = despairing, in despair.
    * en desuso = obsolete, disused.
    * en detalle = at length.
    * en deterioro = deteriorating, crumbling, decaying, dilapidated, disintegrating.
    * en determinadas ocasiones = sometimes, on particular occasions.
    * en detrimento de = to the detriment of, to + Posesivo + detriment, to the neglect of.
    * en diagonal = herringbone.
    * en días alternos = every other day.
    * en diferente grado = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferente medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en diferentes momentos = at various times, at different times.
    * en diferentes ocasiones = at different times, at various times.
    * en dificultades = stranded.
    * en dinero = monetised [monetized, -pl.].
    * en dirección de la proa = abaft.
    * en dirección este = eastward(s), eastbound.
    * en dirección norte = northbound.
    * en dirección oeste = westbound, westward(s).
    * en dirección sur = southward(s), southbound.
    * en disco = ondisc.
    * en disminución = dwindling, on the wane.
    * en + Distancia + a la redonda = within + Distancia.
    * en distinta medida = differing, in varying measures.
    * en distintas ocasiones = at different times, at various times, on several occasions.
    * en distinto grado = in varying measures, differing, to varying degrees.
    * en distintos formatos = multiform.
    * en distintos momentos = at different times, at various times.
    * en diversas lenguas = multilingually.
    * en diversas ocasiones = on several occasions.
    * en diverso grado = to varying extents, to varying degrees.
    * en diversos formatos = multiform.
    * en donde = where, wherein.
    * en dos años = over a two-year period.
    * en dos lenguas = bilingually.
    * en dos niveles = split-level.
    * en dos palabras = in a nutshell, in a nutshell.
    * en dos volúmenes = two-volume.
    * en duda = in doubt.
    * en edad de trabajar = working-age.
    * en efecto = to all intents and purposes, for all intents and purposes.
    * en ejercicio = incumbent, practising [practicing, -USA].
    * en el abandono = in the wilderness.
    * en el acto = ipso facto, outright, on the spot, while-you-wait [while-u-wait], at the drop of a hat.
    * en el aire = in mid-air, airborne.
    * en el ámbito de = in the realm of.
    * en el año catapún = in the dim and distant past.
    * en el año del Señor = in the year of our Lord.
    * en el año entrante = in the coming year.
    * en el año próximo = in the coming year.
    * en el año venidero = in the coming year.
    * en el área de + Lugar = Lugar + area.
    * en el asiento de atrás = in the back seat.
    * en el asiento trasero = in the back seat.
    * en el aula de clase = classroom-based.
    * en el banquillo = on the bench.
    * en el blanco de mira = in the spotlight, in the crosshairs.
    * en el camino = along the way, en route, in the process.
    * en el campo de = in the realm of, in the field of.
    * en el campus universitario = campus-based.
    * en el candelero = in the spotlight.
    * en el cargo = in the saddle, in office.
    * en el caso de = for, in association with, in the case of, in the event of, in case of, in the context of.
    * en (el) caso de que = in the event that, should, in case.
    * en el caso poco probable de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en el centro de = at the heart of.
    * en el cine = at the movies.
    * en el clima actual de = in the present climate of.
    * en el contexto de = in the realm of.
    * en el culo = in the bottom.
    * en el culo del mundo = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el curso de la historia = in the course of history.
    * en el curso normal de = in the mainstream of.
    * en el curso normal de las cosas = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en el curso normal de las cosas, en el curso normal de los acontecimientos, = in the normal run of things.
    * en el curso normal de los acontecimientos = in the normal run of events, in the normal run of things.
    * en el desierto = in the wilderness.
    * en el detalle = in detail.
    * en el día a día = in the day to day, in the trenches.
    * en el dique seco = in dry dock, in the wilderness.
    * en el eje = at the core (of).
    * en el entorno de = in the realm of.
    * en el escenario = on stage.
    * en el escenario mundial = on the world stage.
    * en el espacio = spatially.
    * en el estricto sentido de la palabra = strictly speaking.
    * en el estudio = at study, at study.
    * en el extranjero = abroad, overseas, offshore.
    * en el extremo opuesto = at the far end.
    * en el fin de semana = over the weekend, over the weekend, at the weekend.
    * en el foco de atención = in the spotlight.
    * en el fondo = at heart, deep down, in the back of + Posesivo + mind, in the back of + Posesivo + head, at the back of + Posesivo + head, bottom line, the, in the bottom.
    * en el fondo de = at the root of.
    * en el futuro = Número + Tiempo + ahead, down the road, in future, in time(s) to come, at + future date, in (the) years to come, at some future time, in the years to come, in the years ahead, in years to come, at some future point, in the future, for future reference, for the years to come.
    * en el futuro a largo plazo = in the long-term future.
    * en el futuro cercano = in the foreseeable future.
    * en el futuro inmediato = in the offing, in the foreseeable future.
    * en el futuro lejano = further in the future.
    * en el haber de Uno = under + Posesivo + belt.
    * en el horario de trabajo = on company time.
    * en el horizonte = on the horizon.
    * en el hospital = at the bedside.
    * en el improbable caso de que = in the unlikely case (that).
    * en el instante en que + Subjuntivo = the moment + Verbo.
    * en el ínterin = in the interim, in the intervening years, in the intervening period, ad interim.
    * en el juego = at play.
    * en el lado negativo = on the debit side, on the negative side, on the downside.
    * en el lado positivo = on the credit side, on the positive side, on the plus side, on the bright side.
    * en ello = therein, thereupon [thereon].
    * en el lugar del accidente = at the scene, at the scene of the accident.
    * en el lugar de los hechos = at the scene.
    * en el mandato = in office.
    * en el mando = at the wheel.
    * en el mar = at sea.
    * en el marco de = within the ambit of, within the bounds of.
    * en el más allá = dead and gone.
    * en el mayor secreto = a veil of secrecy.
    * en el mejor de los casos = at best, at most, ideally, in the best of circumstances, the best case scenario, at the most, at the best of times, at the very best.
    * en el mejor momento de Uno = at + Posesivo + (very) best.
    * en el mismo centro (de) = plumb in the middle (of).
    * en el mismo número de años = in as many years.
    * en el mismo orden que = in sync with.
    * en el momento = on the spot.
    * en el momento actual = in this day and age, at the present time.
    * en el momento adecuado = at the right time.
    * en el momento de = at the time (that/of).
    * en el momento de escribir estas líneas = at the time of writing.
    * en el momento de la impresión = at the time of going to print.
    * en el momento en que se necesita = at the point-of-need, at the point of use, point of use.
    * en el momento en que + Subjuntivo = the moment + Verbo.
    * en el momento justo = on cue.
    * en el momento más débil de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * en el momento oportuno = at the right time, not a moment too soon, not a minute too soon.
    * en el momento peor de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * en el mundo = on the face of the earth, on the world stage.
    * en el mundo antiguo = in antiquity.
    * en el mundo entero = all over the world, worldwide [world-wide], all around the world, throughout the world, around the planet, the world over.
    * en el mundo que nos rodea = out there.
    * en el nivel básico = at grass roots level.
    * en el nivel intermedio de = in the middle range of.
    * en el nivel medio de = in the middle range of.
    * en el norte del estado = upstate.
    * en el núcleo = at the core (of).
    * en el ocaso = over the hill.
    * en el ojo del huracán = in the eye of the storm, in the eye of the hurricane.
    * en el orden del día = on the agenda.
    * en el origen (de) = in the early days (of).
    * en el otro extremo = at the other extreme.
    * en el otro extremo de la escala = at the other end of the scale, at the other end of the spectrum, at the other extreme.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    * en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey = be a case of the blind leading the blind.
    * en el pasado = in the past, in past eras, at some point in the past, in years gone by, in days gone by, in former times.
    * en el pasado remoto = in the dim and distant past.
    * en el peor de los casos = at worst, in the worst of circumstances, at + Posesivo + very worst, the worst case scenario, at + Posesivo + worst, in the worst case.
    * en el período penoso de = in the throes of.
    * en el período previo a = in the run up to, during the run up to.
    * en el piso de abajo = downstairs.
    * en el piso de arriba = upstairs.
    * en el poder = in office.
    * en el primer caso = in the former case.
    * en el proceso = in the process.
    * en el propio campus universitario = campus-based.
    * en el propio cortijo = on-farm.
    * en el próximo año = in the year ahead, in the coming year.
    * en el puesto de dirección = in the hot seat.
    * en el punto álgido de = at the height of.
    * en el punto de mira = in the spotlight, in the crosshairs.
    * en el que = wherein.
    * en el que se puede buscar = searchable.
    * en el quinto coño = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el quinto pino = in the arse of nowhere.
    * en el quirófano = under the knife.
    * en el resto = everywhere else.
    * en el resto de = elsewhere.
    * en el seguimiento de = in the pursuit of.
    * en el segundo caso = in the latter case.
    * en el seno de = within, among.
    * en el sentido de las agujas del reloj = clockwise.
    * en el sentido de que = in the sense that, along the lines that, in that.
    * en el sentido más amplio = in the broadest sense, in the widest sense.
    * en el sentido más general = in the broadest sense.
    * en el sentido que = in which.
    * en el timón = in the saddle.
    * en el trabajo = on-the-job, at work.
    * en el transcurso de = throughout the course of, throughout the course of, in the course of, during the course of, over the course of, throughout.
    * en el transcurso de algunos años = over a period of years.
    * en el transcurso de la historia = in the course of history.
    * en el transcurso de los siglos = over the course of the centuries.
    * en el transcurso normal de + Posesivo + vida(s) = in the normal course of + Posesivo + life/lives.
    * en el trasfondo de = at the root of.
    * en el último caso = in the latter case.
    * en el último minuto = last minute [last-minute], at the last minute.
    * en el último momento = at the eleventh hour, at the very last minute, at the very last moment, at the very last, at the last minute.
    * en el umbral de = on the threshold of.
    * en el vuelo = in-flight.
    * en entrante = recessed.
    * en entredicho = under challenge.
    * en episodios = episodic.
    * en época de carnaval = carnivalistically.
    * en época de feria = carnivalistically.
    * en época de paz = in peacetime, during peacetime.
    * en épocas anteriores = in former times, in past eras.
    * en épocas de = in times of.
    * en épocas de guerra = in time(s) of war.
    * en épocas de paz = in time(s) of peace.
    * en épocas de prosperidad económica = in affluent times.
    * en épocas difíciles = in times of need.
    * en épocas pasadas = in past ages.
    * en escamas = flaky.
    * en ese caso = in that case.
    * en ese mismo instante = at that very moment.
    * en ese mismo momento = at that very moment.
    * en ese momento = at that point, at this point, at that time, just then, at that point in time.
    * en esencia = in essence, essentially.
    * en ese sentido = on that score, to that effect.
    * en esos casos = in those cases.
    * en espacios cerrados = indoors.
    * en especial = especially (specially), notably, specially (especially).
    * en especie = in kind.
    * en espera = on hold.
    * en espiga = herringbone.
    * en esta coyuntura = at this juncture.
    * en estado = pregnant, in the family way.
    * en estado de abandono = decaying, dilapidated, dilapidated.
    * en estado de alerta = on alert.
    * en estado de alerta, de guardia = on standby.
    * en estado de buena esperanza = pregnant, in the family way.
    * en estado de cambio = in a state of flux.
    * en estado de descomposición = decaying.
    * en estado de deterioro = decaying, dilapidated.
    * en estado de reserva = on standby.
    * en estado de reserva, en estado de alerta, de guardia = on standby.
    * en estado de sitio = in a state of siege, under siege.
    * en estado embrionario = embryo, embryonic, in embryonic stage, in embryo, in the embryo stage.
    * en esta época del año = around this time of year.
    * en esta ocasión = on this occasion.
    * en estas circunstancias = under these circumstances.
    * en esta situación = at this juncture.
    * en este caso = in this case.
    * en este contexto = against this background.
    * en este documento = herein, herewith, hereto.
    * en este extremo = to this extent.
    * en este grado = to this extent.
    * en este mismo sentido = along the same lines.
    * en este momento = at this point, at this stage, at this juncture, at this time, at this moment in time, right now.
    * en este período = in the course of events, during the course of events.
    * en este sentido = along these lines, in this connection, in this direction, in this sense, in this vein, in this spirit, in this regard, in this effort, in that spirit, on this score, to that effect.
    * en estos casos = in these cases.
    * en estos días = today, these days.
    * en estos tiempos = in these times, in this day and age.
    * en estrecha colaboración = in close collaboration.
    * en estrecha colaboración con = hand-in-glove with.
    * en estuche = boxed.
    * en excelente estado = in tip-top condition, in tip-top form.
    * en excelentes condiciones = in tip-top condition, in tip-top form.
    * en exceso = overflow, overflowing, excessively, excess, to excess.
    * en exclusiva = exclusively.
    * en existencia = in existence.
    * en expansión = expanded.
    * en exposición = on exhibit, on show, on display.
    * en + Expresión Temporal = as of + Expresión Temporal, come + Expresión Temporal.
    * en extensión = in length.
    * en extenso = at length, in full.
    * en extremo = no end, to no end.
    * en fase terminal = terminally ill.
    * en favor de = in favour of.
    * en flor = in full blossom, in blossom.
    * en forma = fit [fitter -comp., fittest -sup.], toned.
    * en forma de = in the form of, in the shape of.
    * en forma de A = A-shaped.
    * en forma de arco = arched, bowed.
    * en forma de capa = cape-like.
    * en forma de cruz = cross-shaped.
    * en forma de cuadrado = square-shaped.
    * en forma de cuña = wedge-shaped.
    * en forma de cúpula = dome-shaped, domed.
    * en forma de D = d-shaped.
    * en forma de estrella = star-shaped [star shaped].
    * en forma de L = L-shaped.
    * en forma de libro = in book form.
    * en forma de medialuna = crescent-shaped.
    * en forma de parásito = parasitically.
    * en forma de pera = pear-shaped.
    * en forma de pirámide = pyramidal-shaped.
    * en forma de trompeta = trumpet-shaped.
    * en forma de U = U-shaped.
    * en forma de V = V-shaped.
    * en forma física = physically fit.
    * en forma física y mental = physically and mentally fit.
    * en forma ovalada = oval-shaped.
    * en forma piramidal = pyramidal-shaped.
    * en formato de libro moderno = in codex form.
    * en formato digital = digitally.
    * en formato electrónico = in electronic form.
    * en formato MARC = in MARC form.
    * en formato papel = paper-based, in hard copy.
    * en frente = ahead, in front.
    * en frente de = in front of.
    * en funcionamiento = in operation.
    * en función de = according to, as a function of, depending on/upon.
    * en general = at large, by and large, for the most part, generally, in general, in the main, on balance, on the whole, overall, all in all, broadly, as a whole, generally speaking.
    * en germinación = budding.
    * en gestación = in the making.
    * en grado mínimo = minimally.
    * en gran cantidad = prodigiously.
    * en grandes cantidades = en masse, in good number, in record numbers, in bulk.
    * en grandes números = in record numbers.
    * en gran formato = oversize, oversized.
    * en gran medida = broadly, by and large, extensively, greatly, heavily, largely, to a considerable extent, to a high degree, to a large extent, tremendously, vastly, very much, keenly, in no small way, to any great degree, in many ways, in large part, in large measure, in no small measure, to a great extent, to a large degree, to a great degree.
    * en gran número = numerously.
    * en gran parte

    * * *
    (refiriéndose a una ciudad, un edificio): viven en París/en una granja/en el número diez/en un hotel they live in Paris/on a farm/at number ten/in a hotel
    en el quinto piso on the sixth ( AmE) o ( BrE) fifth floor
    viven en la calle Goya they live on o ( BrE) in Goya Street
    nos quedamos en casa we stayed home ( AmE), we stayed at home ( BrE)
    métete en la cama get into bed
    lo puso en una caja he put it in a box
    metió la mano en el conducto she stuck her hand into ( o down etc) the pipe
    3 (sobre) on
    lo puso en la mesa/pared he put it on the table/wall
    se sentó en una silla/en un sillón she sat down on a chair/in an armchair
    tendrás que dormir en el suelo you'll have to sleep on the floor
    se le nota en la cara you can see it in his face
    1 (expresando circunstancias, ambiente, medio) in
    vivir en armonía con la naturaleza to live in harmony with nature
    de … en …: van de casa en casa/de puerta en puerta pidiendo dinero they go from house to house/from door to door asking for money
    nos tienes de sorpresa en sorpresa you're full of surprises
    1 ‹un tema/una especialidad/una cualidad›
    es licenciado en filosofía he has a degree in philosophy
    es un experto en la materia he's an expert on the subject
    es muy bueno en historia he's very good at history
    supera a su hermana en inteligencia she surpasses her sister in intelligence
    2 ‹una proporción/un precio›
    ha aumentado en un diez por ciento it has gone up by ten per cent
    me lo vendió en $30 he sold it to me for $30
    las pérdidas se calcularon en $50.000 the losses were calculated at $50,000
    1 ‹un estado/una manera› in
    en buenas/malas condiciones in good/bad condition
    un edificio en llamas a building in flames o on fire
    nos recibió en camisón he received us in his nightshirt
    con los músculos en tensión with (his) muscles tensed
    en posición vertical in an upright position
    (con forma de): termina en punta it's pointed, it ends in o comes to a point
    colóquense en círculo get into o in a circle
    Luis Girón en el Alcalde Luis Girón as the Mayor
    pensamos ir en taxi/en coche/en barco we plan to go by taxi/by car/by boat
    ¿fueron en tren? — no, en avión did you go by train? — no, by plane o no, we flew
    fueron en bicicleta they cycled, they went on their bikes
    fuimos a dar una vuelta en coche we went for a drive o we went for a ride in the car
    (expresando el material): un modelo realizado en seda natural an outfit in natural silk
    ¿lo tienen en azul/(un) 38? do you have it in blue/a 38?
    una obra en tres actos a play in three acts
    ¿cuánto pesas en kilos? how much do you weigh in kilos?
    en ruso/en el código Morse in Russian/in Morse Code
    (en expresiones de tiempo): en verano in (the) summer
    en mayo/1947 in May/1947
    en varias ocasiones on several occasions
    llegó justo en ese momento she arrived just at that moment, just then she arrived
    en la mañana/tarde ( esp AmL); in the morning/afternoon
    en la noche ( esp AmL); at night
    no vi a nadie en todo el día I didn't see anybody all day
    no hay nada de malo en lo que hacen there's nothing wrong in what they're doing
    en + INF:
    tardó media hora en resolverlo it took her half an hour to work it out
    siempre es el último en salir he's always the last to leave
    (con complementos de persona): en él ha encontrado un amigo she's found a friend in him
    problemas que se dan en las personas de edad problems which affect old people
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    en preposición
    1 ( en expresiones de lugar)
    a) (refiriéndose a ciudad, edificio):

    viven en París/en el número diez/en un hotel they live in Paris/at number ten/in a hotel;

    en el último piso on the top floor;
    está en la calle Goya it's on o (BrE) in Goya Street;
    en casa at home
    b) ( dentro de) in;

    c) ( sobre) on;

    se le nota en la cara you can see it in his face
    2 (expresando circunstancias, ambiente) in;

    a) (indicando tema, especialidad):

    doctor en derecho Doctor of Law
    b) (indicando proporción, precio):

    en dólares in dollars
    a) (indicando estado, manera) in;

    en llamas in flames, on fire

    colóquense en círculo get into o in a circle

    fueron en bicicleta they cycled, they went on their bikes;
    dimos una vuelta en coche we went for a ride in the car

    una escultura en bronce a bronze (sculpture)

    en azul/ruso in blue/Russian

    6 ( con expresiones de tiempo):

    en varias ocasiones on several occasions;
    en la mañana/noche (esp AmL) in the morning/at night

    fuí el último en salir I was the last to leave

    en preposición
    1 (lugar) in, on, at: nos encontramos en el autobús, we met on the bus
    en Barcelona/Río, in Barcelona/Rio
    en el cajón, in the drawer
    en casa/el trabajo, at home/work
    (sobre) en la mesa, on the table
    2 (tiempo) in, on, at: cae en lunes, it falls on a Monday
    en 1975, in 1975
    en ese preciso instante, at that very moment
    en un minuto, in a minute
    en primavera, in spring
    LAm en la mañana, in the morning
    3 (modo) en bata, in a dressing gown
    en francés, in French
    en serio, seriously
    4 (medio) by, in: puede venir en avión/ coche/metro/tren, she can come by air/car/tube/train
    ¿por qué no vienes en avión?, why don't you fly?
    5 (movimiento) into: entró en la habitación, he went into the room
    entró en escena, he went on stage
    6 (tema, materia) at, in
    es muy bueno en matemáticas, he's very good at maths
    experto en finanzas, expert in finances
    7 (partición, fases) in: hicimos el viaje en dos etapas, we did the journey in two stages
    8 (de... en...) entraremos de tres en tres, we shall go in three by three
    9 (con infinitivo) fue rápido en desenfundar, he was quick to pull out
    se le nota la timidez en el hablar, you can notice his shyness by the way he speaks
    'en' also found in these entries:
    - abajo
    - abarrotada
    - abarrotado
    - abasto
    - abatimiento
    - abdicar
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - abogar
    - abogada
    - abogado
    - abominar
    - abonada
    - abonado
    - abordar
    - abrir
    - abreviar
    - absoluta
    - absoluto
    - absorta
    - absorto
    - abstracta
    - abstracto
    - abstraída
    - abstraído
    - abuela
    - abundar
    - abundancia
    - abundante
    - abusar
    - acabar
    - academia
    - acariciar
    - acceder
    - acentuar
    - achantarse
    - achatamiento
    - achuchar
    - acoger
    - acomodar
    - acompañar
    - aconsejar
    - acontecer
    - acordar
    - acordarse
    - acostada
    - acostado
    - acostumbrada
    - acostumbrado
    - aback
    - abdicate
    - abide
    - ablaze
    - able
    - above
    - above-board
    - abreast
    - abroad
    - abscess
    - absence
    - absent
    - absolutely
    - absorbed
    - abstract
    - abundant
    - academic
    - academy
    - accent
    - access
    - account
    - accustom
    - acknowledgement
    - acquiesce
    - acquire
    - act
    - acting
    - action
    - active
    - actually
    - add
    - add in
    - addition
    - adept
    - adequate
    - administration
    - admission
    - admit
    - advance
    - advantage
    - adventure
    - advertise
    - advertising
    - affair
    - affect
    - afford
    - afloat
    - afraid
    - after
    * * *
    EN nm (abrev de Encuentro Nacional)
    = Paraguayan political party
    * * *
    1 ( dentro de) in;
    en un mes in a month;
    en junio in June;
    en casa at home;
    en el cielo in heaven
    2 ( sobre) on;
    en la mesa on the table;
    en la calle on the street, Br tb in the street
    en coche/tren by car/train
    en inglés in English;
    póngamelo en la cuenta put it on my account;
    aumentar en un 10 % grow (by) 10%, increase (by) 10%
    * * *
    en prep
    1) : in
    en el bolsillo: in one's pocket
    en una semana: in a week
    2) : on
    en la mesa: on the table
    3) : at
    en casa: at home
    en el trabajo: at work
    en ese momento: at that moment
    * * *
    en prep
    ¿en qué calle vives? which street do you live in?
    2. (edificios, fiestas específicas) at
    3. (superficies, días concretos) on

    Spanish-English dictionary > en

  • 6 desarrollarse

    1 (crecer) to develop
    2 (transcurrir) to take place
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (=madurar) [adolescente] to develop, reach puberty; [planta, animal] to develop, reach maturity; [país] to develop
    2) (=ocurrir) [suceso, reunión] to take place; [trama] to unfold, develop
    3) (=desenrollarse) [algo enrollado] to unroll; [algo plegado] to unfold, open (out)
    * * *
    (v.) = proceed, grow, build up, burgeon, unfold, grow up, come up, shape up
    Ex. Instructions should be clear and unambiguous, and they should proceed in a logical manner.
    Ex. No true reader can be expected to grow on a diet of prescribed texts only regardless of how well chosen they are.
    Ex. The third thing I'm perturbed about is this general atmosphere of negativism which seems to be building up.
    Ex. The other principal omission from UNESCO's 1950 listing was report literature -- a field of published record which has burgeoned in the last thirty years = La otra omisión principal de la lista de 1950 de la UNESCO fueron los informes, un área que se ha desarrollado en los últimos treinta años.
    Ex. Research in any scientific field can never be neutral: the process is initially motivated by the researcher's own questioning of perceived realities, and unfolds in a particular historical moment, subject to the social, political and ideological influences of that context.
    Ex. In the 1920s and 30s factory libraries grew up in all types of industries, particularly textile industries, but their size and quality varied.
    Ex. Do you feel that we should stay with our old number-crunching, inefficient system or switch to voice transmission, which seems to be coming up fairly fast?.
    Ex. A major war may be shaping up over videotex advertising between cable television operators and the telephone companies.
    * * *
    (v.) = proceed, grow, build up, burgeon, unfold, grow up, come up, shape up

    Ex: Instructions should be clear and unambiguous, and they should proceed in a logical manner.

    Ex: No true reader can be expected to grow on a diet of prescribed texts only regardless of how well chosen they are.
    Ex: The third thing I'm perturbed about is this general atmosphere of negativism which seems to be building up.
    Ex: The other principal omission from UNESCO's 1950 listing was report literature -- a field of published record which has burgeoned in the last thirty years = La otra omisión principal de la lista de 1950 de la UNESCO fueron los informes, un área que se ha desarrollado en los últimos treinta años.
    Ex: Research in any scientific field can never be neutral: the process is initially motivated by the researcher's own questioning of perceived realities, and unfolds in a particular historical moment, subject to the social, political and ideological influences of that context.
    Ex: In the 1920s and 30s factory libraries grew up in all types of industries, particularly textile industries, but their size and quality varied.
    Ex: Do you feel that we should stay with our old number-crunching, inefficient system or switch to voice transmission, which seems to be coming up fairly fast?.
    Ex: A major war may be shaping up over videotex advertising between cable television operators and the telephone companies.

    * * *

    ■desarrollarse verbo reflexivo
    1 (crecer una persona, enfermedad, etc) to develop
    2 (suceder, tener lugar) to take place: el espectáculo se desarrolló en un parque público, the show took place in a park
    ' desarrollarse' also found in these entries:
    - desarrollar
    - formar
    - ir
    - evolve
    - progress
    - shape up
    - smoothly
    - unfold
    - grow
    - mature
    - shape
    * * *
    1. [crecer, mejorar] to develop;
    la proteína es imprescindible para desarrollarse protein is essential for development o growth
    2. [suceder] [reunión, encuentro, manifestación] to take place;
    [película, obra, novela] to be set;
    la manifestación se desarrolló sin incidentes the demonstration went off without incident;
    la acción de la novela se desarrolla en el siglo XIX the novel is set in the 19th century
    3. [evolucionar] to develop;
    ¿cómo se desarrollarán los acontecimientos? how will events develop?
    * * *
    1 develop, evolve
    2 ( ocurrir) take place
    * * *
    : to take place
    * * *
    1. (en general) to develop
    2. (suceder) to take place [pt. took; pp. taken] / to go off

    Spanish-English dictionary > desarrollarse

  • 7 local

    1 local.
    el equipo local the home team
    2 topical, applied to the surface.
    1 (business) premises (establecimiento).
    local de ensayo rehearsal space
    local nocturno night spot
    2 site, locale, place of business, premises.
    3 local, local resident.
    * * *
    1 local
    local comercial business premises plural
    * * *
    1. noun m. 2. adj.
    2) home
    * * *
    ADJ [cultura, producción] local
    2. SM
    1) [de negocio] premises pl

    local comercial[gen] business premises pl ; [sin ocupar] shop unit

    2) (=lugar) place
    * * *
    adjetivo local
    masculino premises (pl)
    * * *
    adjetivo local
    masculino premises (pl)
    * * *
    1 = facility, premise, locale.

    Ex: Solutions include constructing compact shelving, on-site remote storage or building new library facilities.

    Ex: Perhaps university libraries are concentrating on finding low-use book storage on the campus or in cheap local warehousing premises.
    Ex: Sudak is one of the most beautiful and tranquil locales on the Black Sea coast.
    * local aglomerado = crowded quarter.
    * local comercial = storefront.
    * local compartido = shared premise.
    * local de entretenimiento nocturno = night spot.
    * local donde la gente va en sus ratos libres = drop-in facility.
    * locales = accommodation.
    * local nocturno = night spot.
    * local que da a una calle comercial = shop-front premise.

    2 = domestic, homemade, local, local situs, locally based [locally-based], vernacular.
    Nota: Adjetivo.

    Ex: Results indicate that bibliographers at these libraries depend on inadequate reviewing sources and domestic approval plans for developing these literatures.

    Ex: And may I say parenthetically that two publishers out of the enormous number that are so often touted as belonging to the CIP program are now printing their own homemade and superior cataloging in publication data.
    Ex: AACR2 generally recommends collocation although it is suggested that the extent of collocation and the need for uniform titles is a matter for local decisions.
    Ex: The establishment of the local situs intangibles tax in 1931 in Ohio and its use for sole support of public libraries led to various problems over the ensuing years.
    Ex: A virtual library should provide seamless access to both remote and locally-based resources contained.
    Ex: The exhibition focuses on three examples of American vernacular architecture: diners, gasoline stations, and fast-food restaurants.
    * acontecimientos locales = local events.
    * adaptación a las circunstancias locales = localisation [localization, -USA].
    * anestesia local = local anaesthetic.
    * a nivel local = locally.
    * autoridad local = local authority official, local authority officer.
    * biblioteca local = local library.
    * catálogo local = local catalogue.
    * colección de fondos locales = local collection.
    * colección local = local collection.
    * comunidad local = local community.
    * estatuto local = by-law [bye-law, -USA].
    * fichero topográfico local = local copy file.
    * impuestos locales = local taxes.
    * LAN (red local) = LAN (Local Area Network).
    * periódico local = local paper, local newspaper, local community newspaper.
    * personaje local = local figure.
    * personalidad local = local figure.
    * prensa local, la = local press, the.
    * Sala de Manuscritos e Historia Local = Manuscript and Local History Room.
    * signatura topográfica local = local call number.
    * transporte local público = local public transport.

    * * *
    1 ‹tradiciones/autoridades/periódico› local
    ganó el equipo local the home team won
    2 ‹infección› local
    premises (pl)
    [ S ] se alquilan locales comerciales business premises to let
    por favor desalojen el local please vacate the premises o the building
    tocaba en un local nocturno de dudosa reputación he used to play in a seedy nightclub/bar
    para mayor información dirigirse a nuestros locales en la calle Paz 13 for further details visit our offices at number 13 Paz Street
    * * *


    local adjetivo

    ■ sustantivo masculino
    premises (pl)
    I adjetivo local
    anestesia local, local anesthesia
    II sustantivo masculino
    1 (para instalar un comercio, negocio, etc) premises pl
    2 (negocio) un local de la Quinta Avenida, a business on Fifth Avenue; un local de copas, a pub
    un local de mala muerte, a dive

    ' local' also found in these entries:
    - abarrotado
    - acondicionada
    - acondicionado
    - administración
    - ambientada
    - ambientado
    - anestesia
    - antro
    - baja
    - bajo
    - barrio
    - billar
    - bodega
    - botiquín
    - caché
    - cachet
    - cacique
    - capacidad
    - cine
    - clausura
    - comarca
    - delegación
    - desierta
    - desierto
    - elección
    - estimativa
    - estimativo
    - foral
    - insonorización
    - lugar
    - lugareña
    - lugareño
    - magnificar
    - marchosa
    - marchoso
    - nave
    - paisana
    - paisano
    - pintoresca
    - pintoresco
    - proveedor
    - proveedora
    - timba
    - tipismo
    - tugurio
    - uso
    - vecinal
    - acondicionar
    - acústica
    - area code
    - backroom
    - band
    - christen
    - colour
    - daily
    - exhaustive
    - guild
    - local
    - local call
    - local council
    - practice
    - practise
    - premise
    - venue
    - bus
    - corner
    - dealer
    - ground
    - home
    - LST
    - man
    - rate
    - vernacular
    - wash
    * * *
    1. [de un lugar] local;
    el equipo local the home team
    2. [anestesia] local
    [establecimiento] premises local comercial business o commercial premises;
    local de ensayo rehearsal space;
    buscan un local de ensayo they're looking for somewhere to rehearse;
    local nocturno night spot
    * * *
    I adj local
    II m premises pl ;
    local comercial commercial premises pl ;
    local nocturno nightspot
    * * *
    local adj
    : local
    localmente adv
    local nm
    : premises pl
    * * *
    local1 adj local / home
    local2 n premises

    Spanish-English dictionary > local

  • 8 local2

    2 = domestic, homemade, local, local situs, locally based [locally-based], vernacular.
    Nota: Adjetivo.
    Ex. Results indicate that bibliographers at these libraries depend on inadequate reviewing sources and domestic approval plans for developing these literatures.
    Ex. And may I say parenthetically that two publishers out of the enormous number that are so often touted as belonging to the CIP program are now printing their own homemade and superior cataloging in publication data.
    Ex. AACR2 generally recommends collocation although it is suggested that the extent of collocation and the need for uniform titles is a matter for local decisions.
    Ex. The establishment of the local situs intangibles tax in 1931 in Ohio and its use for sole support of public libraries led to various problems over the ensuing years.
    Ex. A virtual library should provide seamless access to both remote and locally-based resources contained.
    Ex. The exhibition focuses on three examples of American vernacular architecture: diners, gasoline stations, and fast-food restaurants.
    * acontecimientos locales = local events.
    * adaptación a las circunstancias locales = localisation [localization, -USA].
    * anestesia local = local anaesthetic.
    * a nivel local = locally.
    * autoridad local = local authority official, local authority officer.
    * biblioteca local = local library.
    * catálogo local = local catalogue.
    * colección de fondos locales = local collection.
    * colección local = local collection.
    * comunidad local = local community.
    * estatuto local = by-law [bye-law, -USA].
    * fichero topográfico local = local copy file.
    * impuestos locales = local taxes.
    * LAN (red local) = LAN (Local Area Network).
    * periódico local = local paper, local newspaper, local community newspaper.
    * personaje local = local figure.
    * personalidad local = local figure.
    * prensa local, la = local press, the.
    * Sala de Manuscritos e Historia Local = Manuscript and Local History Room.
    * signatura topográfica local = local call number.
    * transporte local público = local public transport.

    Spanish-English dictionary > local2

  • 9 Du Cane, Peter

    SUBJECT AREA: Ports and shipping
    b. England
    d. 31 October 1984
    English engineer, one of the foremost designers of small high-speed ships.
    Peter Du Cane was appointed a midshipman in the Royal Navy in 1913, having commenced as a cadet at the tender age of 13. At the end of the First World War he transferred to the engineering branch and was posted ultimately to the Yangtze River gunboat fleet. In 1928 he resigned, trained as a pilot and then joined the shipbuilders Vosper Ltd of Portsmouth. For thirty-five years he held the posts of Managing Director and Chief Designer, developing the company's expertise in high-speed, small warships, pleasure craft and record breakers. During the Second World War the company designed and built many motor torpedo-boats, air-sea rescue craft and similar ships. Du Cane served for some months in the Navy, but at the request of the Government he returned to his post in the shipyard. The most glamorous products of the yard were the record breakers Bluebird II, with which Malcolm Campbell took the world water speed record in 1939, and the later Crusader, in which John Cobb lost his life. Despite this blow the company went from strength to strength, producing the epic Brave class fast patrol craft for the Royal Navy, which led to export orders. In 1966 the yard merged with John I.Thornycroft Ltd. Commander Du Cane retired seven years later.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Commander of the Royal Navy. CBE 1965.
    1951, High Speed Small Craft, London: Temple Press.
    Further Reading
    C.Dawson, 1972, A Quest for Speed at Sea, London: Hutchinson.

    Biographical history of technology > Du Cane, Peter

  • 10 Meikle, Andrew

    b. 1719 Scotland
    d. 27 November 1811
    Scottish millwright and inventor of the threshing machine.
    The son of the millwright James Meikle, who is credited with the introduction of the winnowing machine into Britain, Andrew Meikle followed in his father's footsteps. His inventive inclinations were first turned to developing his father's idea, and together with his own son George he built and patented a double-fan winnowing machine.
    However, in the history of agricultural development Andrew Meikle is most famous for his invention of the threshing machine, patented in 1784. He had been presented with a model of a threshing mill designed by a Mr Ilderton of Northumberland, but after failing to make a full-scale machine work, he developed the concept further. He eventually built the first working threshing machine for a farmer called Stein at Kilbagio. The patent revolutionized farming practice because it displaced the back-breaking and soul-destroying labour of flailing the grain from the straw. The invention was of great value in Scotland and in northern England when the land was becoming underpopulated as a result of heavy industrialization, but it was bitterly opposed in the south of England until well into the nineteenth century. Although the introduction of the threshing machine led to the "Captain Swing" riots of the 1830s, in opposition to it, it shortly became universal.
    Meikle's provisional patent in 1785 was a natural progression of earlier attempts by other millwrights to produce such a machine. The published patent is based on power provided by a horse engine, but these threshing machines were often driven by water-wheels or even by windmills. The corn stalks were introduced into the machine where they were fed between cast-iron rollers moving quite fast against each other to beat the grain out of the ears. The power source, whether animal, water or wind, had to cause the rollers to rotate at high speed to knock the grain out of the ears. While Meikle's machine was at first designed as a fixed barn machine powered by a water-wheel or by a horse wheel, later threshing machines became mobile and were part of the rig of an agricultural contractor.
    In 1788 Meikle was awarded a patent for the invention of shuttered sails for windmills. This patent is part of the general description of the threshing machine, and whilst it was a practical application, it was superseded by the work of Thomas Cubitt.
    At the turn of the century Meikle became a manufacturer of threshing machines, building appliances that combined the threshing and winnowing principles as well as the reciprocating "straw walkers" found in subsequent threshing machines and in conventional combine harvesters to the present day. However, he made little financial gain from his invention, and a public subscription organized by the President of the Board of Agriculture, Sir John Sinclair, raised £1,500 to support him towards the end of his life.
    1831, Threshing Machines in The Dictionary of Mechanical Sciences, Arts and Manufactures, London: Jamieson, Alexander.
    7 March 1768, British patent no. 896, "Machine for dressing wheat, malt and other grain and for cleaning them from sand, dust and smut".
    9 April 1788, British patent no. 1,645, "Machine which may be worked by cattle, wind, water or other power for the purpose of separating corn from the straw".
    Further Reading
    J.E.Handley, 1953, Scottish Farming in the 18th Century, and 1963, The Agricultural Revolution in Scotland (both place Meikle and his invention within their context).
    G.Quick and W.Buchele, 1978, The Grain Harvesters, American Society of Agricultural Engineers (gives an account of the early development of harvesting and cereal treatment machinery).
    KM / AP

    Biographical history of technology > Meikle, Andrew

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